Excerpts from Paul Ivanov's message of Tue Dec 23 16:24:34 -0800 2008:
> Hash: SHA1
> Philip wrote:
> > There is export.py which will produce an XML dump, but I figured a
> pg_dump is probably good?
> I decided against threadjacking the map overhaul conversation, but I've
> been meaning to ask about this:
> 1. Has anyone tried to make a corresponding import.py to go from XML
> back to a DB?
> 2. what are your strategies for mirroring a live wiki when doing
> development?
> I run off a patched up sqlite branch locally when I play around doing
> bugfixes, but I wanted to backup my wiki in its entirety and couldn't
> think of a good way to do this (images borked in the db dump, though
> that was probably some encoding issue). Anyone have a good way of
> mirroring everything on another machine?
> thanks,
> Paul
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There's no import.py as of yet, as far as I know.  Making it wouldn't be 
difficult, but I'm not sure it'd have much utility now: database dump / import 
is generally the way to go and the export.py stuff 
(http://www.projectsycamore.org/Export) was thrown together for folks on Wiki 
Spot who wanted dumps of their wikis (e.g. might need to only be the globally 
visable pages).

I use pg_dump for postgres with --format=c

sudo -u postgres pg_dump --format=c wikispot 

is the command I usually do.  The format=c means you'll need to use pg_restore 
to import the dump, but it's compressed.

The images shouldn't be borked on a dump - definitely sounds like an encoding 

If you're using sqlite it's insanely simple: just copy the single database file 
(woo sqlite).  share/data/wiki.db is the file.


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