I haven't looked at the patch, but maybe it would be easier to use the meta
tag include option for validating to Google Webmaster as that could just
show up on the Front Page rendering for the site?

Philip, are you building that into the next version of the software, and the
ability to drop in Google Analytics for a site as well?

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Sean Robinson <seankrobin...@gmail.com>wrote:

>   Attached is a zip archive of three patches which I hope add admin-only
> permission to create and edit .html and .htm page names.  My intent is that
> can this be used to add pages of the required name for Google Webmaster
> Tools.
>   I have not tested this change.  I have only spent minimal time looking at
> the Sycamore code.  And my whole concept for implementing this may be
> hopelessly naive.  But, I hope to start the conversation and I am willing to
> work more on this problem if the devs are able and willing to work with me.
> --
> Sean Robinson
> WiFi Radar - http://wifi-radar.berlios.de
> Python WiFi - http://pythonwifi.wikispot.org
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