November 4-8, 2022 will take place in Varanasi, India,
the 3rd edition of the World Congress on Logic and Religion (3rd WoCoLoR)<>
Among keynote speakers of past editions:
Saul Kripke (Schock Prize), Michal Heller (Templeton Prize), Laurent Laforgue 
(Fields Medal), Dov Gabbay, Richard Swinburne, Jan Wolenski

-------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS 
We invite submissions of contributed papers on general topics related to Logic 
and Religion, including but not restricted to:
- Arguments for and against God’s existence
- Logic and the concept of God
- Science and religion
- Rationality and religious belief
- Argumentation and reason in world religious traditions
- Justification in religious legal traditions
- Non-classical logics and religion
- Religion and history of logic
Abstracts must have a maximum of 600 words and be written in English according 
to our template; they must be submitted via Easychair by July 31, 2022 (note 
that prior registration with EasyChair is required). Notification of acceptance 
will be released on August 15 2022. At least one author of each accepted paper 
must register for the congress.

-------------------------------- KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 
- Purushottama Bilimoria, Ashoka University (India)
- Joseph Dauben, CUNY (USA)
- Ali Sadegh Daghighi, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Iran)
- Jerome (Yehuda) Gellman,  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
- Christopher Janaway, University of Southampton (UK)
- Wolfgang Lenzen, University of Osnabrueck (Germany)
- Ephraim Meir, Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
- Bo Mou, San Jose State University (USA)
- Piergiorgio Odifreddi, University of Turin (Italy)
- Itala D'Ottaviano, University of Campinas (Brazil)
- Stephen Priest, Oxford University (UK)
- Miray Yazgan, Istanbul University (Turkey)
- Andrew Pinsent, Oxford University (UK)

-------------------------------- PUBLICATIONS --------------------------------
Accepted abstracts will be published in the congress proceedings, which will be 
available during the congress. After the meeting authors will be invited to 
submit a complete version of their works, which will be peer-reviewed and 
published in a book and/or special issues of journals with publishers of 
international recognition.
Peer-reviewed papers of previous WoCoLoR’s appeared as special issues of Logica 
Universalis (Springer), Sophia (Springer) and the Journal of Applied Logics 
(College Publications).<>

-------------------------------- WORKSHOPS --------------------------------
The following workshops will happen within  WoCoLoR 2022:
- Consciousness and the Self
- Formal Natural Theology
- Judaism, Christianity and Logic
- Logic and Religion in Schopenhauer
- Mathematics and Religion
- Logic of Paradise<>

Francisco de Assis Mariano
The University of Missouri-Columbia
LARA Secretary<>

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