Hi everyone,

We’re very excited to be kicking-off the University of Sydney Philosophy 
Seminar Series for 2023 next week (on Wednesday the 22nd of February at 3:30 
p.m.) with our first speaker, Mandi Astola (Delft University of Technology).

The title of Mandi’s talk is “Moral Creativity”. Here’s an abstract of the talk:

Moral creativity is a type of creativity which concerns the domain of moral 
action. A morally creative person is able to imagine various courses of action 
in response to a moral problem or dilemma. Importantly, it also includes the 
invention of novel and non-habitual courses of action which fulfil moral 
obligations as much as possible to others, even when fulfilling all obligations 
seems impossible at first glance. I consider moral creativity to be a virtue 
and in this talk I sketch a way in which moral creativity could be integrated 
into Aristotelian virtue ethics. In Aristotelian virtue ethics, the good life 
is understood as a life led by a person who possesses the virtues. The virtues 
are habitual good character traits like courage, magnanimity and generosity. 
All the virtues are controlled by a super-virtue (also sometimes called an 
executive virtue) called practical wisdom, or phronesis. Phronesis is 
conceptualized roughly the ability to know what types of actions are 
appropriate for particular circumstances. Practical wisdom has always been very 
difficult to conceptualize and descriptions of it in literature remain quite 
vague. I explore whether it is possible that practical wisdom is best 
conceptualized as moral creativity. This would mean that creativity is 
essential for being a good person.

The talk will take place on Wednesday the 22nd of February at 3:30 p.m. in the 
Philosophy Seminar Room (N494) in the Quadrangle and will be simulcast via 
Zoom: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/88699564848. The talk will be followed by 
drinks and informal discussion at the Rose and then, depending on interest, 
dinner with the speaker. All welcome!

Enquiries about the seminar series can be directed to 

Ryan Cox
Associate Lecturer in Philosophy
Discipline of Philosophy
School of Humanities
University of Sydney
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