Nicolas Perriault wrote:
> So I'm in for two pseudo-namespaces, one for the official plugins and
> another one for unofficial ones (eg. sf and usf, or whatever.)


> But we should act a decision before applying changes to the repos, I guess...

Indeed - already people have started to rename plugins, even before this 
idea was brought up on the dev list.

Dustin Whittle wrote:
 > In regards to dealing with teams, a plugin name should not
 > be about ego or ownership... If I contribute a plugin, I regard it as 
if the
 > community owns it and I am simply a maintainer/developer (as in the 
 > is a collaborative effors and all ideas are welcome).

Ideally - yes, I agree.  However, I don't think this will be the case,if 
someone has taken an abandoned plugin, and spent a lot of time and 
effort improving it, I think it's only fair they would want their own 
initials against the name if it named after someone else.

 > As for people developing similar plugins (ie: facebook, flickr, etc).. I
 > think people should combine efforts and produce one high quality plugin.

Again, I agree.. however, I think this is too idealistic.  People have 
different methods to achieve the same thing - else we wouldn't have so 
many different PHP frameworks, web servers, languages etc.

I think this has something to do with ego - and we shouldn't dismiss it 
just because you don't do your work for ego reasons. If someone thinks 
they can make a new project X under their own name, because project Y 
isn't quite what they want, and they think they can do better - then 
they will.  If there was a standard prefix, this may well help mitigate 
this problem.  If there's a usfFacebook, the second plugin would need to 
be called  usfFacebook2 - it's obvious one was there first.  However, if 
a 'random' prefix could be used, this wouldn't be the case.

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