Hi guys,

Anyone here already created a Symfony's project where the frontend
application is shared by many websites??
I would be happy if you could share this experience with me.

I need to recreate an application like this and I'm thinking to do
this in the following way:

- I already has a table called cms.sites..

table: cms.sites
columns: id, name, url, css, js, .... created_at, updated_at

my frontend:

- an application frontend
- a module home

I have a filter where it gets the url of request and consult the table
sites to get info about it, like js, css....

my server:

server: host.test.com
document_root: /home/example1/site

server: host.test.com
document_root: /home/example2/site

server: host.test.com
document_root: /home/example3/site

some details:

- some directories like js, images and css have a symbolic link to the
same centralized directory.
- I have an other application called admin installed in another place
where I use it to manage the database and to configure the frontends.

Some doubts are:

- How is the better way to structure the project?
- Is it better to configure each domain with its own document_root or
to point all domains to the same document_root? some domains has more
traffic than others. So, I need that to work fine because if one fail
all them will also fail.


Nei Rauni Santos
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