The flash variable is now attached to the user. Use $sf_user ->
getFlash() -> has('blah');

They did that because it interacts with the user anyways (storing
stuff in session), so now it explicitly belongs to the user.
If you need to fix hundreds of templates, you can just listen to the
filterTemplates event and add the flash variable back in.


On Mar 1, 10:14 am, Darren884 <> wrote:
> In my template I put the following:
> <?php if ($sf_flash->has('status')): ?>
>   <?php echo $sf_flash->get('status') ?>
> <?php endif; ?>
> Now I get:
> Notice: Undefined variable: sf_flash in /var/www/vhosts/
> symfony/apps/frontend/modules/customers/templates/loginSuccess.php on
> line 2
> Fatal error: Call to a member function has() on a non-object in /var/
> www/vhosts/
> templates/loginSuccess.php on line 2
> Why the hell would they deprecate this?

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security at

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