
I just checked out all required plugins to generate a grid.
Using your old sfGridExtjs3plugin, i get inheritance errors.
it seems the sfGrid class variables cannot be reached by any subclass
When I change them to 'protected' the subclasses are allowed access
and all works fine.

p.s. i am very curious to see your extjs grid plugin, I have am using
old plugin so I can specify EXtjs column plugins is the meta data, and
have Extjs generate the entire grid based on the json


On Apr 12, 11:03 am, DigitalBase <i...@digitalbase.eu> wrote:
> Leon,
> i am trying out your sfGrid plugin and ran into few small issues
> where do you want us to report problems/bugs ?
> On Apr 11, 10:53 pm, Leon van der Ree <l...@fun4me.demon.nl> wrote:
> > Today I will provide a tutorial, setting up a (propel-based)
> > playground with some best practices I came up with so far. (If you
> > prefer Doctrine, you can still follow the tutorial, but of course need
> > to setup a Doctrine schema and use the Doctrine plugins)
> > If you want to see where all the fuzz is about, peak ahead and look at
> > the size of the controller and the template!
> > All configuration can be done in an extended
> > Lets begin with a new (Symfony 1.4) Project:
> > Tip: create a new repository on your svn-server and check this out!
> > (this is useful since we are using a lot of plugins from svn, that can
> > be updated all at once by using svn:externals )
> >   svn co your.svn.server/playground-project playground
> > or, when not using svn
> >   mkdir playground
> >   cd playground
> >   php /symfony14/data/bin/symfony generate:project --orm=propel
> > playground
> > we now have a new propel-based syfmony 1.4 project. Lets start by
> > adding all required Plugins:
> >   svn propedit svn:externals .
> > and add the following lines to it:
> > plugins/sfPropel15Pluginhttp://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfPropel15Plugin/trunk
> > plugins/sfPropelObjectPathBehaviorPluginhttp://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfPropelObjectPathBehaviorPlug...
> > plugins/sfDataSourcePlugin  
> > http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfDataSourcePlugin/trunk
> > plugins/sfGridPluginhttp://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfGridPlugin/trunk
> > Now we enable our plugins, first by editing our Project configuration,
> > edit config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
> > and enable your plugins in the setup-function:
> >     $this->enablePlugins(
> >         'sfPropel15Plugin',
> >         'sfPropelObjectPathBehaviorPlugin',
> > //      'sfExtjs3Plugin', // soon people
> >       'sfDataSourcePlugin',
> >       'sfGridPlugin' //,
> > //      'sfGridExtjsPlugin' // soon.... Just teasing ;)
> >     );
> > Setup propel, by editing propel.ini
> > please note propel1.5 is requiring different behavior-paths and we are
> > enabling the object-path plugin:
> > So the behaviors section should look like this:
> > ; behaviors
> > propel.behavior.default                        =
> > symfony,symfony_i18n,object_path
> > propel.behavior.symfony.class                  =
> > plugins.sfPropel15Plugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorSymfony
> > propel.behavior.symfony_i18n.class             =
> > plugins.sfPropel15Plugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorI18n
> > propel.behavior.symfony_i18n_translation.class =
> > plugins.sfPropel15Plugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorI18nTranslation
> > propel.behavior.symfony_behaviors.class        =
> > plugins.sfPropel15Plugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorSymfonyBehaviors
> > propel.behavior.symfony_timestampable.class    =
> > plugins.sfPropel15Plugin.lib.behavior.SfPropelBehaviorTimestampable
> > propel.behavior.object_path.class              =
> > plugins.sfPropelObjectPathBehaviorPlugin.lib.ObjectPathBehavior
> > Currently I have a simple schema as an example:
> > propel:
> >   city:
> >     id:
> >     name:       varchar(255)
> >     country_id:
> >     created_at:
> >   country:
> >     id:
> >     name:      varchar(255)
> >     created_at:
> > lets build the model
> >   ./symfony propel:build-all
> > Add an application and empty module:
> >   ./symfony generate:app frontend
> >   ./symfony generate: frontend cityGrid
> > Now add a grid folder to your lib-folder and add a CityGrid.php file
> >   mkdir lib/grid
> >   edit lib/grid/CityGrid.php
> > and add the following code to it:
> > <?php
> > class CityGrid extends sfWebGrid  // soon you can extend the
> > sfGridExtjs3 - class
> > {
> >   /**
> >    *
> >    * @param sfWebRequest $request
> >    */
> >   public function __construct(sfWebRequest $request)
> >   {
> >     $cityDataSource = new sfDataSourcePropel('City');
> >     parent::__construct($cityDataSource);
> >     $this->setDefaultSort('Country.Name', sfGrid::ASC);
> >     $this->setColumns(array(
> >       'Id',
> >       'Country.Name',
> >       'Name'
> >     ));
> >     $this->setColumnTitles(array(
> >       'Country.Name' => 'Country',
> >       'Name'         => 'City'
> >     ));
> >     $this->setSortable(sfGrid::ALL);
> >     $this->getPager()->setMaxPerPage(2);
> >     $this->bind($request);
> >   }
> > }
> > Now you can add the following to your controller:
> > edit actions.class.php
> >  /**
> >   * Executes index action
> >   *
> >   * @param sfRequest $request A request object
> >   */
> >   public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
> >     $this->grid = new CityGrid($request);
> >   }
> > And edit your template, indexSuccess.php
> > <?php $grid = $sf_data->getRaw('grid'); ?>
> > <div id="grid-example">
> >   <table>
> >    <?php echo $grid->render() ?>
> >   </table>
> > </div>
> > clear your cache
> >   ./symfony cc
> > add some data to your database, use fixtures, or the following:
> > // initialize database
> > $country_nl = new Country();
> > $country_nl->setName('the Netherlands');
> > $country_fr = new Country();
> > $country_fr->setName('France');
> > $country_be = new Country();
> > $country_be->setName('Belgium');
> > $city_ams = new City();
> > $city_ams->setCountry($country_nl);
> > $city_ams->setName('Amsterdam');
> > $city_ams->save();
> > $city_rdm = new City();
> > $city_rdm->setCountry($country_nl);
> > $city_rdm->setName('Rotterdam');
> > $city_rdm->save();
> > $city_rdm = new City();
> > $city_rdm->setCountry($country_nl);
> > $city_rdm->setName('Den Haag');
> > $city_rdm->save();
> > $city_prs = new City;
> > $city_prs->setName('Paris');
> > $city_prs->setCountry($country_fr);
> > $city_prs->save();
> > $city_bdx = new City;
> > $city_bdx->setCountry($country_fr);
> > $city_bdx->setName('Bordeaux');
> > $city_bdx->save();
> > $city_brs = new City();
> > $city_brs->setCountry($country_be);
> > $city_brs->setName('Brussel');
> > $city_brs->save();
> > next time I will release the extjsGrid. Then I will transform this
> > example to ExtJS, with only minor changes to the module and the
> > CityGrid-class.The CityGrid will specialize the ExtjsGrid, providing
> > it the capabilities to generate not only HTML, but JSON and JS output
> > as well. The controller currently needs to be altered to add support
> > to handle .js and .json requests, but I am going to make the routing
> > engine take care of that. The template currently needs to be extended
> > as well, to start the initial extjs-application, but this will be
> > moved to the extjs-grid-plugin soon as well.
> > For now I would be happy to get feedback about the current HTML
> > formatter.
> > I didn't explained how to modify the (row)formatter yet and how to
> > define and write widgets, but you should be aware that these are the
> > key to modifying the HTML rendering (for example to add css-classes
> > and truncate your texts or format currencies) to your liking.

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