Thanks, Christophe!

You're right, PHP configuration I've never using.

But for my projects I need some code conventions ) E.g. only YAML or
only Annotations.

Now I'm trying to use XML in my bundles.

p.s. Can anyone give me a link to full default configuration in XML? )

On Jun 3, 5:04 pm, Christophe COEVOET <> wrote:
> Le 03/06/2011 14:56, Dmitry Bykadorov a crit :> Hello all!
> > What we have for configuration?
> > - YAML (default in Symfony standard distribution)
> > - XML (in my opinion most powerfull option - with validation via DTD&
> > XSD but more complex to human)
> The configuration of bundles are validated whatever format you use (for
> bundles using this tool of course) in a more powerful way than XSD as it
> validates the merged configuration instead of each file separately (a
> required configuration is not required in all files but in the merged
> configuration).> - PHP (ugly but native ))
> PHP is a bad choice IMO. This really does not fit well for
> configuration. Thus there is no overhead about using XML or YAML as the
> configuration is only parsed once.> - Annotations (looks very cool in file 
> but... maybe hard to debug, no
> > validation... unfamiliar and new in any case )...
> the main configuration cannot be done in annotations.> So in my first 
> Symfony2 projects i use YAML (at least in app/ -
> > because its default), XML and Annotations. Looks like spaghetti ((((
> > So, the question:
> > What configuration standard defacto main in Symfony2? I can't select
> > one by myself... But I want to configure my bundles in mostly common
> > way...
> There is absolutely no issue about mixing formats depending of the place
> you use it.
> YAML is recommended for the main configuration as it is less verbose
> than XML (and far more readable than a config written in PHP). For your
> mapping, choose the way you want. performances are equivalent as the
> mapping is cached.
> --
> Christophe | Stof

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