I am using the beta3 and I am facing a rather strange problem. I have
set up the ORM with a sqlite database following the instructions of
the website but when I type:

php app/console doctrine:database:create


php app/console doctrine:schema:create

and finally

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

I don't get any error (for example last command outputs "Database
schema updated successfully") but nothing is actually inserted into
the database. The table aren't even created the database file is
generated after the first command but remains empty.

Since I have configured FOS_UserBundle I should have for example a
table fos_user…
When I type

 php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql

I get three SQL request pending… If I copy these three requests using
SQLiteManager, I can execute them (and create the  fos_user table)
but when I want to create a user using:

      php app/console fos:user:create

I get a "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: fos_user " error.

Why am I not prompted some error message when I run the first three
commands? Am I missing something?

I get the same behaviour using pdo_pgsql driver, except that the SQL
generated by the dump is not compliant ANSI so it can't be executed
for postgresql (use of datetime and autoincrement instead of timestamp
and serial)….

Any help would be much appreciated

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