Generate your own repository, then create a method in it that contains the DQL.

In your entity definition (if you're using annotations):

 * @orm\Table(name="thing")
 * @orm\Entity(repositoryClass="Me\MyBundle\Repositories\ThingRepository")

Then re-run app/console doctrine:generate:entities MeMyBundle to create the 
repository class for you. findAll() will still work, but you can now add a 
method like this:

    public function getThings($limit = 5, $offset = 0)
        $q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT t
            FROM MeMyBundle:Thing t 
            ORDER BY t.created_at DESC');
        $q->setFirstResult( $offset );
        $q->setMaxResults( $limit );
      return $q->getResult();

And then call it from your controller like this:

$things = $this->get('doctrine')

On 8 Jun 2011, at 08:54, Thomas wrote:

> Hi all,
> I didn't found in the doctrine documentation how to limit my results when i'm 
> fetching all my news.
> I want to limit my results with only 5 news (like in SQL LIMIT 0,5).
> I've done this :
> $news = new News();
> $news = $this->get('doctrine')
>       ->getEntityManager()
>       ->getRepository('CompanySiteBundle:News')
>       ->findAll();
> It's work fine but i have all my news, and i don't really want to have SQL 
> order in my Controller..

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