
I am a newbie to symfony2 and am walking through the book online. I am
in the "Model" chapter and trying to walk through with the example
however, I have encountered an exception for namespace. Any help will
be appreciated.

ubuntu:/var/www/Symfony$ cat app/AppKernel.php | grep Acme
            new Acme\StoreBundle\AcmeStoreBundle(),
ubuntu:/var/www/Symfony$ cat app/autoload.php | grep Acme
    'Acme'             => __DIR__.'/../src',

ubuntu:/var/www/Symfony$ sudo php app/console doctrine:generate:entity
AcmeStoreBundle:Product "name:string(255) price:float

  Unknown Entity namespace alias 'AcmeStoreBundle'.

doctrine:generate:entity [--mapping-type[="..."]] entity [fields]

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