Hi again to everybody, and specially thanks to Winou for your big patience,
without your help I would have been stucked in a huge
performance hole in my application.

I must remark, though, that Doctrine's dql doesn't support the clause 'ON'
directly, it uses the 'WITH' clause instead.
And this is how I solved my problem:

I have many bedrooms, and one bedroom can have many photos, but some photos
are special, so they have a 'is_special' attribute.

What I needed was to fetch all bedrooms, even if they have or not photos
(left join) but also fetch all photo that has the is_special attribute set
to true.

If you use a 'WHERE photo.is_special = true' or 'HAVING photo.is_special =
true' clause, the left join will return a partial set of bedrooms (only
those that has at least one special photo). I needed all bedrooms, and get
the special photos if any in one query.

In Doctrine you have two easy ways to do it:

1) Plain DQL:

  $dql=' SELECT b, p FROM Vendor\MyBundle\Entity\Bedroom b ';
  $dql.=' LEFT JOIN  b.photos p  WITH p.is_special=1';

  $query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($dql);
  return $query->getResult();

2) The QueryBuilder:

$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
         $query->select('b, p')
                 ->from('Vendor\MyBundle\Entity\Bedroom', 'b')
                 ->leftJoin('b.photos', 'p',
\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.is_special = :is')
                 ->setParameter('is', true)
         return $query->getQuery()->getResult();

That's it. Hope this helps if someone have a problem like mine's.
2011/6/7 oscar balladares <liebegr...@gmail.com>

> Hi! Thank you very much. I will try this query, though it will take me some
> time to merge to my app.
>  For now thanks buddy, and have a good night! (It is very late for me :D )
> 2011/6/7 winzou <alexandre.ba...@gmail.com>
>> Ok, you're stuck on an pure SQL issue. Check this query:
>> SELECT a, b FROM objectA a LEFT JOIN objectB b ON (objectB.id_a =
>> objectA.id AND objectB.is_public_content = true)
>> The trick is to put the condition in the ON, not in the WHERE.
>> --
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