Type guessing in the standalone form component seems completely broken. I
registered a Doctrine form bridge which correctly gets a DoctrineOrmGuesser
instance. Form/FormFactory->loadGuesser() loops over the extensions and
calls getTypeGuesser(), which
Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\DoctrineOrmExtension does, in fact, define.

The problem is that the Silex FormExtension I'm using also registers the
CoreExtension. But, the CoreExtension does not define any way to get a
TypeGuesser and returns null, from getTypeGuesser() in
AbstractExtension.php. Bad news, because this triggers an exception:

"Expected argument of type Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeGuesserInterface,
NULL given"

How can I get around this? Am I using the standalone Form component

- Michael Gatto

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