
I have a major problem with my routings, i've just upgraded to
Symfony2 Beta5, and suddenly something just didnt work no more..

I have deleted my cache, just in case of that i havent checked..

Then i saw the error:

    1. in kernel.root_dir/cache/dev/appdevUrlMatcher.php at line 406  - +
        403.                 return array (  '_controller' =>
            nsactionController::indexAction',  '_route' =>
        404.             }
        406.             throw 0 < count($allow) ? new
            ) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
        407.         }
        408.         var_dump($pathinfo);
        409.         die();

Which led me to this auto generated file, and i saw i had 4 equal
lines like this:
        if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/admin')) {

I can see that the route in in the autogenerated file, but its in an
admin section which will never be hit due to all the dublicated if

So.. that cannot be true? I will never end up in any of the if
statements since they are in the same level..

I use route annotations and here is a sample of my controller:

class AdminUserController extends Controller
   * @Route("/user")
   * @Template()
  public function indexAction()
    $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();

    $filter = 

    $order_by = array();

And a snippet from the routing.yml file:

  resource: "@ClubUserBundle/Controller/AdminUserController.php"
  type: annotation
  prefix: /admin

It worked perfectly in Beta4.. so, hope someone can help me..? It
really seems like a bug with the routing generator..

Best regards,
Michael Holm

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