I'm having some problems getting sympy to compute eigenvalues of a
matrix with symbolic coefficients.

A trivial example is:

In [4]: M = Matrix([[y, 0], [0, z]])

In [5]: M
⎡y  0⎤
⎢    ⎥
⎣0  z⎦

In [6]: M.eigenvals()
⎧           __________                __________   ⎫
⎪          ╱        2                ╱        2    ⎪
⎨y   z   ╲╱  (y - z)       y   z   ╲╱  (y - z)     ⎬
⎪─ + ─ - ─────────────: 1, ─ + ─ + ─────────────: 1⎪
⎩2   2         2           2   2         2         ⎭

Clearly the eigenvalues should be y and z so something has gone wrong.

It seems that perhaps what happens is that the characteristic
polynomial is expanded and then not re-factored when finding

In [7]: (M - x*eye(2))
⎡-x + y    0   ⎤
⎢              ⎥
⎣  0     -x + z⎦

In [8]: (M - x*eye(2)).det()
x  - x⋅y - x⋅z + y⋅z

In [9]: solve((M - x*eye(2)).det(), x)
⎡           __________             __________⎤
⎢          ╱        2             ╱        2 ⎥
⎢y   z   ╲╱  (y - z)    y   z   ╲╱  (y - z)  ⎥
⎢─ + ─ - ─────────────, ─ + ─ + ─────────────⎥
⎣2   2         2        2   2         2      ⎦

In [10]: factor((M - x*eye(2)).det())
Out[10]: (x - y)⋅(x - z)

In [11]: solve(factor((M - x*eye(2)).det()), x)
Out[11]: [y, z]

Presumably det calls expand and I'm not sure why it would want to do
that. Also solve has clearly spotted that this is a second order
polynomial since we're using the quadratic formula but no attempt at
factorisation is made. I guess that without knowing knowing the sign
of y - z you can't know whether sqrt((y-z)**2) is y - z or z - y so
the quadratic formula cannot be simplified even though the original
polynomial could.

Is there some way to adjust this behaviour with flags etc.? Or is it
just a case where sympy has some room for improvement?


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