> The output should rather be a set of ProductSets rather than a set of sets.
> General FiniteSet is unordered so {(-oo, oo), 2} is same as {2, (-oo, oo)}.
> This example shows how you can define and use a product set.
> ```
> In [9]: s = FiniteSet(2)*Interval(-oo, oo)
> In [10]: s
> Out[10]: {2} x (-oo, oo)
> In [11]: (2, 0) in s
> Out[11]: True
> ```
> Yes, I agree that would be much better.

> > Solve System of Equation: (solvesys)
> > (For system of Equation, we can have this):
> > ```python
> > In [0] solveset([x + y == 1, x - y == 0], (x,y))
> > Out[1] {{1/2, 1/2}}
> > ```
> It has the same issue as I mentioned above {1/2, 1/2} is unordered. You 
> can use a FinteSet set of ordered tuple.
> ```
> In [14]: FiniteSet((S(1)/2, S(1)/2))
> Out[14]: {(1/2, 1/2)}
> ```
I did gave a thought about returning FiniteSet of
ordered tuple, I thought It would look like a Set 
of Interval. 
Now since we don't return Interval like this,
so this should be good. I agree.

> > we also need to extend singularities module (though useful in general)
> +1
> I suggest that you create a detailed plan of "how" you are going to solve
> multivariate equations and how will you find a singular point.  I did a 
> shallow
> study of the current multivariate solver in `solve`.  The writeup is here:
> http://hargup.github.io/posts/week-7.html 

I have gone through that write up, that looks good to me.
I will create a detailed plan as soon as things get more clear.


> Try searching for some literature,

I found this 
on the Mailing list here: 

I am not sure how good it is, as Prof. Fateman's comments isn't very 
convincing about it:

You could look at it, but I think that, unless it has been changed since
> I last looked, it has nothing at all to offer vs. an algorithmic approach. 
And some real problems in that it returns answers that are wrong, sometimes.
Though I am looking for some reasearch papers,
can you point me to some, which are good enough? 

> dig into other older CAS
maybe like maxima?

> and probably you should ask professor Fateman for
> help. He can be harsh but if you have a thick skin he can be a lot of help 
> too.

Sure, I will try to get some help from him.

AMiT Kumar

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