The documentation says the following about "See Also" sections:

The See Also section should only be used to reference other SymPy objects. 
> Anything that is a link should be embedded as a hyperlink in the text of 
> the docstring instead; see the References section for details.
> Do not reference classes with class:Classname, class:`Classname`, or 
> :class:`Classname`, but rather only by their class name.

I can't tell from this what they are actually advocating or discouraging. I 
see that sometimes we have relative references like 

- `.file.func` to refer to `func` in the file `file` of the current folder
- `func` in the same file as the one in which the See Also is appearing
- `sympy.module.file.func` to give the full path

I am getting an error in when 
trying to use relative referencing. Any help would be appreciated.


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