Looks like I did indeed miss the deliberate mistake.  Sorry for being an 
idiot and thank you for taking the time.

For clarity, here is what I intended to post:

import sympy as sp
x = sp.Symbol('x')
y = sp.Symbol('x') # deliberate mistake here
x == y # True
x is y # True

I'm aware of Python names not being accessible through introspection.  It 
still seems as though two calls to "Symbol('x')" should create two distinct 
instances of a SymPy symbol, which just happen to share the name.  However, 
I see the sense in comparing symbols by name. 

Has this behaviour changed since a previous version?  I am sure that I had 
an issue where I had an expression e.g. f=x**2 and differentiating w.r.t a 
newly created symbol by the name "x" gave zero, because it was not the same 
"x".  (This works as expected in recent versions and gives f.diff(x) == 
2*x, so I can't reproduce this half-remembered claimed behaviour.)

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 11:30:31 PM UTC+1, Oscar wrote:
> >> >> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 12:53 PM James Bateman <james....@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> >> >>> 
> >> >>> I've just discovered a bug in my code which boiled down to the 
> following, where a symbol "y" was given the same SymPy name as an existing 
> symbol. 
> >> >>> 
> >> >>> import sympy as sp 
> >> >>> x = sp.Symbol('x') 
> >> >>> y = sp.Symbol('y') 
> >> >>> 
> >> >>> x == y # True 
> >> >>> x is y # True; expected False 
> >> >>> x + y # 2*x; expected x + x (which would have made the bug in my 
> code more apparent) 
> On Wed, 3 Jun 2020 at 23:18, James Bateman <james....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > Thank you, but I don't need help debugging my code; I had a typo which 
> boiled down to the example I gave.   My only question was whether this was 
> intended behaviour. 
> > 
> > Please note the deliberate mistake of "y = Symbol('x')", which you may 
> have missed when interpreting my question.  True is returned for both "x == 
> y" and "x is y" in SymPy 1.2 (local installation) and SymPy 1.5.1 (
> http://live.sympy.org). 
> I think you maybe forgot to make the deliberate mistake when posting 
> here (see above). 
> The name of the Python variable does not need to match the name of the 
> symbol. Sympy has no way of knowing what name you use for the Python 
> variable so if you do 
>     x = Symbol('y') 
> then there is no way for sympy to know that you assigned the result to 
> a variable called x. That's not so much an intended feature but just 
> how Python works. 
> Symbols with the same name (and assumptions) as considered equivalent 
> in sympy which is useful in many situations. If you want to create a 
> symbol that will only ever compare equal to itself regardless of the 
> name of any other symbol then you can use Dummy: 
> https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/core.html#dummy 
> Dummy is a bit awkward to use in some situations which is why it isn't 
> the default behaviour for symbols in sympy. 
> -- 
> Oscar 

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