Although we already have primitive_root and is_primitive_root, it can be 
added because there is no way to generate every primitive roots under n 
straightforward way

But I'd appreciate more research on this such that it can use better 
algorithm than simply trying out all the candidates

On Sunday, July 19, 2020 at 3:47:42 PM UTC+9, Devesh Sawant wrote:
> I was using Sympy 1.7 and playing around topics in number theory, 
> specifically properties of primitive roots of a given number.
> In the midst of checking whether a root of *p* is also a root of *p^2 , *I 
> had to generate a list of primitive roots.
> I came up with a straightforward implementation to calculate it.
> def all_primitive_roots(n):
>     phi_n, relatively_prime = totient(n), [a for a in range(2,n) if igcd(a, 
> n) == 1]
>     if n == 1:
>         return None
>     elif n <= 4:
>         return [n-1]
>     return list(filter(lambda x: n_order(x,n) == phi_n, relatively_prime))
> There definitely seems to be ways to optimize this. Also, there doesn't 
> seem to be a function in Sympy for this. I think there can be uses for such 
> a function there. Any pointers on this?

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