Hello all.

We ran a user survey about SymPy documentation from November 29, 2021
to January 5, 2022. The primary purpose of the survey was to guide my
SymPy Documentation work as part of the CZI EOSS cycle 4 grant
https://groups.google.com/g/sympy/c/vYsavewGj1w/m/CQKTSznPAgAJ. We
would like to thank everyone who took and shared the survey.

Even though the survey is no longer open, we still welcome feedback on
SymPy's documentation. Feel free to reachout to us on the mailing
list, or to me personally if you have any additional comments or
suggestions. My work on this grant has just started and will last 2
years, so there is still plenty of opportunity to guide the work that
will go into this grant.

I have written up an analysis of the results at
https://www.sympy.org/sympy-docs-survey/. The source code for the
notebook can be found at https://github.com/sympy/sympy-docs-survey. I
have included a summary of this analysis here.

A total of 67 people responded. The survey was done on Google Surveys
and was shared on the SymPy public mailing list and the @SymPy Twitter
account. The survey consisted of 5 questions, all of which were
optional. A detailed analysis of the responses is at
https://www.sympy.org/sympy-docs-survey/. At a high-level, there were
three main takeaways:

1. The main SymPy documentation site (https://docs.sympy.org) is
overwhelmingly the most popular resource that people use to get help
with SymPy. This is true across all levels of experience. It is clear
that the majority of the SymPy development team's documentation
efforts should be made on the documentation site.

2. There are many improvements that need to be made to the overall
layout and organization of the SymPy documentation site. In
particular, there are four improvements that would generally benefit:

- The docs need better top-level organization. Some of this has
already been done in our development documentation as part of the 2021
Season of Docs project by Joannah Nanjekye, but this is not yet
visible to most users (it can be seen now in the development docs

- The docs could use a better Sphinx theme that provides better
sidebar navigation. Some work is already being done to improve this.

- The docs have many large pages which would benefit from being split
into smaller pages.

- There are several issues with the SymPy Live extension.

3. We have been able to identify some primary areas of documentation
that should be prioritized for the CZI project. Additionally,
StackOverflow is a popular resource and we will therefore make heavy
use of it for identifying areas where documentation needs improvement.

Again, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out
this survey. It really helps us to have your feedback.

Aaron Meurer

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