It's not relevant to your equation, but for completeness, another
reason you might want to use mpmath instead of scipy is that mpmath
supports more functions than scipy. For example, scipy's zeta()
doesn't support complex arguments, so it's impossible to use it to
find nontrivial roots. But mpmath (via nsolve) can:

>>> scipy.optimize.fsolve(scipy.special.zeta, .5 + 14j)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
line 160, in fsolve
    res = _root_hybr(func, x0, args, jac=fprime, **options)
line 226, in _root_hybr
    shape, dtype = _check_func('fsolve', 'func', func, x0, args, n, (n,))
line 24, in _check_func
    res = atleast_1d(thefunc(*((x0[:numinputs],) + args)))
line 2542, in zeta
    return ufuncs._riemann_zeta(x, out)
TypeError: ufunc '_riemann_zeta' not supported for the input types,
and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types
according to the casting rule ''safe''
>>> nsolve(zeta(z), z, 0.5 + 14j)
0.5 + 14.1347251417347*I

Every function in SymPy is in mpmath, but not every function is in SciPy.

Aaron Meurer

On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 5:08 AM Oscar Benjamin
<> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Sept 2022 at 09:24, Peter Stahlecker
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks! I did not know about nsolve.
> > Would nsolve be ‚better‘ than converting the equations to numpy, using 
> > lambdify, and the use scipy.optimize.fsolve ?
> When you use nsolve more or less the same thing happens: the equations
> are lambdified but converted to mpmath rather than numpy and then
> solved with mpath's findroot function rather than scipy's fsolve. The
> tradeoffs between using mpmath vs numpy are the usual ones for
> variable precision vs fixed precision: accuracy vs speed.
> Since numpy/scipy use fixed precision hardware level floating point
> (i.e. 64 bit floats) they can be faster than mpmath which uses
> software level arbitrary precision floating point. Likewise since
> numpy/scipy use lots of C and Fortran code they can also be faster
> than mpmath which is pure Python. On the other hand there may not be
> much of a speed difference for relatively "small" systems that do not
> benefit significantly from vectorisation and where the overheads of
> the Python wrappers in numpy/scipy dominate over the routines that are
> implemented in the compiled parts.
> Since mpmath uses variable precision arithmetic it can calculate
> answers that are more accurate than is possible when using numpy/scipy
> or any other fixed precision libraries e.g.:
> In [5]: nsolve(x**2 - 2, 1)
> Out[5]: 1.41421356237310
> In [6]: nsolve(x**2 - 2, 1, prec=50)
> Out[6]: 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769
> The default precision used by nsolve is 15 decimal digits i.e.
> basically the same precision as you would expect for 64 bit floats (53
> binary digits, ~15 decimal digits) so it should return a result with
> the same precision as fsolve. That does not mean that there is no
> accuracy gain by default though. Solvers like fsolve that work
> *within* the same precision as the output format that they return will
> typically return a result that is less accurate than implied by the
> precision. In other words the fact that fsolve uses 64 bit floats does
> not imply that it returns the most accurate possible 64 bit floats:
> In [7]: from scipy.optimize import fsolve
> In [8]: fsolve(lambda x: x**2 - 2, 1) # the digits shown are correct
> Out[8]: array([1.41421356])
> In [9]: fsolve(lambda x: x**2 - 2, 1)[0] # last digits not quite right
> Out[9]: 1.4142135623730947
> With mpmath's findroot even if you only want the accuracy of 64 bit
> floats it will use a higher precision internally in order to round the
> result to the desired precision at the end.
> The example shown above of x**2 - 2 is a relatively well behaved one
> where both nsolve and fsolve can easily find an accurate answer
> although the answer from nsolve is slightly more accurate. If you try
> something more numerically difficult then you can see bigger output
> errors from both functions as well as cases where nsolve throws an
> error because it doesn't think that it has enough precision to be able
> to converge.
> Lastly, nsolve is more convenient just because you don't have to use
> lambdify explicitly. Ideally it would be possible to have nsolve call
> fsolve so that it would be easier to switch between findroot and
> fsolve.
> --
> Oscar
> --
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