Should pickle work for Function and Derivative? I found Sympy issue #4297 
and the answer seems to be no.
Nevertheless, here is what I have:
I have a private dictionary containing expressions of symbols, and 
everything works fine.
Then I created a new private dictionary that includes Function and 
Derivative, and I can't pickle it. Here are some code snippets:

    q1S, q2S = symbols('q1, q2')
    q1F = Function('q1')
    varX = globals()['CuspData']
    fileName = os.path.join(config.pickle_dir, 'CuspData.pckl')
    f = open(fileName, "wb")
    varX = {'q1d0': q1F(tS), 'q1d1': Derivative(q1F(tS), tS)} # test
    #with evaluate(False): pickle.dump(varX, f)
    pickle.dump(varX, f)
The error is "Can't pickle q1: attribute lookup q1 on __main__ failed"

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