
Is  it  possible  to  change  (or  add) any method to tBlockSerial for
original name of device ??

I  have  app  server, which is detecting ports and after some init, it
add  this  port  to  list  as  worked. But next time, this port is not
listed  in  this  list  - because of //./COM1 name. This is not clear,
because  i opened COM1, but synapse works with //./COM1 (on linux will
be  almost  the  same  situation  i think). So this strings is not the

I  can  change  this  (add name property with original opened name, or
change device property to return original name or somethink else), but
i should have svn update possible without this hack.

S pozdravem,
 Tomáš Emresz

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