Other than that maybe you could just add a little modification to the
HTTPSend class to work with TFileStream instead then you can avoid all that

On 15 April 2017 at 01:28, brian - <hikarito...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You will need to work with the Status event, capturing data read and then
> deciding a threshold to flush the buffer to a file and clear it
> I made a custom class/wrapper for this
> Type
>    TOnReceiveData = procedure(Len,Max: Int64) of object;
> Var
>     DownloadSize: Int64;
>     xOnReceiveData: TOnReceiveData;
> Type TSynHTTP = class(TObject)
> Sock.OnStatus  := Status;
> //Callback function for status events
> procedure TSynHTTP.Status(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason;
> const Value: String; const ValueInt: Int64);
> Var V, currentHeader: String;
>     i: integer;
>   function GetSizeFromHeader(Header: String): integer;
>   Var item: TStringList;
>   begin
>     //the download size is contained in the header (e.g.: Content-Length:
> 3737722)
>     Result := -1;
>     if Pos('Content-Length:', Header) <> 0 then begin
>       item := TStringList.Create();
>       item.Delimiter := ':';
>       item.StrictDelimiter :=true;
>       item.DelimitedText   :=Header;
>       if item.Count = 2 then begin
>         Result:= StrToInt(Trim(item[1]));
>       end;
>     end;
>   end;
> begin
>   //try to get filesize from headers
>   if Assigned(xOnReceiveData) then
>   if (DownloadSize < 1) then begin
>     for i := 0 to hSock.Headers.Count - 1 do begin
>       currentHeader := hSock.Headers[i];
>       DownloadSize  := GetSizeFromHeader(currentHeader);
>       if DownloadSize <> -1 then break;
>     end;
>   end;
>   //HR_ReadCount contains the number of bytes since the last event
>   if Reason = THookSocketReason.HR_WriteCount then begin
>     if Assigned(xOnSendData) then xOnSendData(ValueInt);
>   end;
>   if DownloadSize > 0 then
>   if Reason = THookSocketReason.HR_ReadCount then begin
>     if Assigned(xOnReceiveData) then xOnReceiveData(ValueInt,
> DownloadSize);
>   end;
> end;
> So with this you will get a trigger as received data piles up, ValueInt =
> amount of data received on this trigger, let's say 8 KB, then you capture
> the event and sum up until you reach something like 50 MB, then write to a
> file and clear the HTTPSend.Document stream, repeat until download is
> finished.
> On 23 January 2017 at 17:45, Rainer Backes <rbac...@bond.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would need a function/method to download a file via http/https directly
>> to disk, without using the memory stream inside the THTTPSend class - the
>> files that I have to download can be quite large (some GBs). Does anyone
>> already have such a function ?
>> Thanks
>> Rainer
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