works perfectly here with my self signed cert (test.pem)

can you pastebin your code - but i am using the program source from an older 
version of synapse
my fpc is 3.1.1 and synapse libs are from revision 207 (svn checkout 8/6/18) 
but the program source might be a few years old

On Tue, 1 Jan 2019 11:01:10 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I cannot get the HTTPS server to work with self-signed certificates.
> It seems that the generated self-signed certificate is somehow invalid.
> It works with the certificates in the example directory.
> (except of course the browser complains they are self-signed)
> Firefox gives SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE, chrome reports 
> I tried both Free Pascal 3.0.4, 3.1.1 and Delphi (Tokio). 
> I am not able to determine what causes this. The algorithm seems valid and
> in line with what I find elsewhere on the internet for equivalent C code.
> Maybe the use of ansistring for buffers is causing the compilers to do
> codepage conversions...
> Has someone else gotten it to work ?
> Michael.
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