On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Matthew N. <ma...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hello sync-dev,
> Is there documentation on best practices for making a new data type that
> will eventually be synced? I'm trying to figure out a schema and storage
> backend for Form Autofill profiles (on desktop to start) and though we're
> not implementing the sync engine initially, I would like the data to be
> ready for sync without significant re-implemention of the storage.

I'm not aware of a link to such documentation.

> On the schema side, an obvious thing is to use a GUID (shorter ones are
> preferred IIUC) instead of an incrementing ID for the primary key. It seems
> things like tracking of deleted records and how to handle conflicts between
> the server and client can be figured out when the engine is added but
> correct me if I'm wrong?

You're correct.  A GUID as the primary key is preferred, since you'll need
to track a (remote) GUID anyway.

As for best practices, the number one thing is to remember that Sync is an
object store with no good way to maintain references between objects.
Therefore, if you can keep records independent of each other, you will have
a *much* better time.  As an example, history records are independent, but
bookmark records are not: bookmark folders reference bookmark items (and
vice-versa -- parents!) and no end of pain ensues trying to keep references

Concretely, that means you should prefer a JSON record per-profile rather
than a profile record with sub-item records; or perhaps you would make each
record contain a "profile name" and an item identifier, etc.

> Regarding the storage method, my understanding is that SQLite is used on
> mobile to provide access to the data from a separate non-Gecko sync process
> (at least on Android, not sure how things work on iOS). For desktop I would
> prefer to use a simple JSON file like logins.json since we don't need the
> features of an RDBMS but it's possible to re-use a SQLite backend between
> desktop and mobile then I'll consider it. I'm not sure if that's the case
> though since it seems like each client would write it's own native wrapper
> around the SQLite

You may be able to share storage implementation code, if you back your
store with SQLite.  Since you don't want to (JSON on Desktop), you won't be
able to.  So Android will require its own storage implementation, and its
own Sync engine implementation.  iOS will require the same.

Storage implementations don't have to be complicated on Android; neither do
Sync engine implementations.  (Once you've decided how to reconcile
conflicts, of course!)

> (I saw Passwords was moving to a Java implementation on Android though I'm
> not sure of the motivations for that TBH) in which case very little code
> would be shared.

The storage layer exists, but it's not currently used.  The motivation is
multi-fold.  First, we see many PW storage failures on Android.  That is,
the DB is corrupt, crypto failed, whatever.  Second, we see concurrency
problems, performance loss, and memory waste due to the required additional
process for Gecko's SQLite compatibility.  And finally, we'd get closer to
severing the Fennec front-end from Gecko if the store was independent of
Gecko.  (In general, we've learned never to use Gecko if we want a good
Android experience.)

Happy to elaborate in more detail; it would help for you to post your
suggested schema and Desktop storage proposal.

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