Thank you, all. I now have a configuration working.

My particular style of daftness was not realizing that
"syncURL=local://@webdav" refers to a different config than any of:
"zoho-addr", "zoho@webdav", or "target-config@zoho", and so of course
there was no datastore configured.

This is all clearly explained in "SYNCHRONIZATION BEYOND SYNCML", line
932 of the manual.

Sorry for the noise,

-----Original Message-----

Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 20:34:03 +0100
Subject: Re: [SyncEvolution] [INFO] SoupTransport Failure
To: Eric O'Connor <>
From: Patrick Ohly <>
On Fri, 2017-01-13 at 16:19 -0700, Eric O'Connor wrote:
> > Which documentation did you follow to get started?
> I'm going off of the man page for syncevolution.
> > It takes two commands to set up CardDAV syncing: once for the
> > target
> side (where CardDAV is used as storage) and once for the local side
> (with EDS, Akonadi or plain files as local storage).
> How do you "link" the two?

With syncURL=local://@webdav.

> I now have a carddav config "remote", and an
> evolution config "local", but how do I run the "remote" <-> "local"
> combined config?

Are these "target config" and "sync config" (as described in the man
page under "SYNCHRONIZATION BEYOND SYNCML" or datastore configurations?

> I think I need to do this manually, because I don't see a template
> for
> Evolution mail.
> I don't understand where in the man page it tells me how to do that.

The relevant example is this (from CALDAV AND CARDDAV):

        The  following  commands  set up synchronization with a generic
        WebDAV server that supports CalDAV, CardDAV and scanning
        starting at the root of the server.
          # configure target config
          syncevolution --configure \
                       --template webdav \
                       syncURL= \
                       username=123456 \
                       "password=!@#ABcd1234" \

          # configure sync config
          syncevolution --configure \
                        --template SyncEvolution_Client \
                        syncURL=local://@webdav \
                        username= \
                        password= \
                        webdav \
                        calendar addressbook

          # initial slow sync
          syncevolution --sync slow webdav

In your case, you seem to be only interested in CardDAV, so let's focus
on just contacts. The commands in your case should be something like

# set up access to
syncevolution --configure \
              --template webdav \
rg/default/ \
              username=' password='xxxxxxxx' \

# double-check access
syncevolution --print-items target-config@zoho addressbook

# configure sync config, enabling only addressbook
syncevolution --configure \
              --template SyncEvolution_Client \
              syncURL=local://@webdav \
              username= \
              password= \
              zoho \

# double-check local access
syncevolution --print-items zoho addressbook

# Now "zoho addressbook" is matched with "target-config@zoho
# and we can sync the two:
syncevolution --sync slow zoho

# All following syncs are incremental:
syncevolution zoho

> I now am getting:
> ➤ syncevolution --run ev-local-addr
> ...
> [INFO] @default/addressbook: using configured database=zoho-backend
> [ERROR] sending message to child failed:
> org.syncevolution.gdbuscxx.Exception: 1483751134.3343.16@tara/address
> bo
> ok: datastore not configured
> ...

I'm not sure what you configured to get to this point. As your local
~/.config/syncevolution might be in an unclean state now, it might be
worthwhile to throw it away (you don't have any other configs, do you?)
with "rm -rf ~/.config/syncevolution" before running the commands
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