On Thu, 2017-07-27 at 14:23 +0200, deloptes wrote:
> I'll just look into if 1.5.2 works with
> libopenobex1. If so it will be much easier.

Have you gotten around to testing this combination?

I just tried with SyncEvolution master (= 1.5.2), libopenobex2 from
Debian Stretch (= 1.7.2-1), and a Nokia N97 mini. No problem here.

FWIW, the binaries from syncevolution.org shouldn't be affected,
because for the 1.5.2 release I had started linking libopenobex.a from
Ubuntu Trusty directly into the binaries. That's of course not a
solution for binaries compiled from source.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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