I'm sorry for force the situation to use a generic class that supports
SITUATION. Currently, layers rendering methods assume that always
Surface is returning Color (in opposite to CairoColor) when asking to
Surface. This would make not possible to reproduce the rendering
method for any type of color unless each layer rendering method is
rewritten again. If so, why to force to Surface to support both color
types. Just re-write the rendering method using CairoColor when

So, I get back to continue developing CairoSurface and after that I
will deploy the accelerated_render method that gets an extra parameter
to decide for one render method or other. Maybe, it worths to create a
internal template accelerated_render member to use Color or CairoColor
and so, it is not needed to code it twice so if there is a improvement
or a bug fix it is made for both at the same time.

The story of the commits that I did to try to implement the double
inheritance solution is at genete_new_cairo_core branch. From now on
I'll continue with the mentioned above ideas using

If someone has one other better idea please let me know. Requisites are:
1) When a layer is not supported by Cairo libraries, its rendering
method should use directly the cairo provided image surface data. This
would avoid useless Color to CairoColor conversion and vice-versa on
each layer of that type.
2) When a layer is supported by Cairo libraries, use the Cairo API
when possible.



2012/6/11 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
> Ok, finally I figured out the best way to handle the multiple Surface
> support in Synfig.
> The idea is that really there is not need to have a CairoSurface.
> Instead of that it is better to derive the current synfig::Surface
> from the etl template for Color and also from the etl template from
> CairoColor. By default Surface is a SOFTWARE surface and would use
> Color class. It is needed to extend the Surface behavior adding:
> 1) One enum value to tell what's the type of surface: SOFTWARE, CAIRO,
> OPENGL, etc.
> 2) As the Surface derivates from two similar templates it might cause
> ambiguities when a member function is called and not Color or
> CairoColor is involved. In those cases the ambiguity has to be solved
> internally by Surface using the previous defined type in a switch/case
> statement.
> 3) Surface would only admit Color as interface to pass color values.
> If the Surface is a Cairo surface then it will convert it to
> CairoColor on the fly.
> 4) Surface would hold a cairo_context_t pointer to allow to use high
> level API form Cairo.
> 5) When a Surface type CAIRO, is asked to use low level painting
> operations, it asks to cairo_context_t to provide the image surface,
> before paint, and will pass the image surface to the cairo_context_t
> once the painting operations are finished. This might be done using
> some kind of map/unmap commands, mandatory to write on the current
> cairo_surface_t using the non Cairo API and send it back to it, once
> finished.
> 6) The responsible of create the cairo_context_t from a
> cairo_surface_t pointer is the derived target. The derived target will
> create the proper cairo_surface_t backend based on the target type and
> if there is any backend supported (png, svg, pdf, opengl, x11, quarz,
> Win, ...)
> Please any comment is welcome.
> Cheers!
> 2012/6/10 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:
>> Better than extend Surface to derive from the two etl implementations
>> (for Color and for CairoColor) make a new class derived from Surface
>> and CairoSurface.
>> The inheritance diagram could be like this:
>> etl::surface<Color, ColorAccumulator, ColorPrep> <----------Surface
>> etl::surface<CairoColor, CairoColor, CairoColorPrep> <-----------CairoSurface
>> Surface  <------------\
>>                            <-------- SuperSurface
>> CairoSurface <-----/
>> So the SuperSurface is a Surface and a CairoSurface at the same time.
>> Later we can rename Surface to SynfigSurface and SuperSurface to
>> Surface, making the interface clean for the layers.
>> That SuperSurface should decide which ancestor member function to call
>> based on the render method (that should be passed at creation time).
>> If the ancestor member uses Color or CairoColor, as parameter, we can
>> accept Color always and then pass the Color or a calculated CairoColor
>> based on the render method.
>> It looks complex to handle but I think it is worth to look at.
>> Cheers!
>> 2012/6/10 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi!
>>> You might have noticed that there are some new commits on the 
>>> genete_new_cairo_core branch. In the last few days my mind has been boiling 
>>> facing some problems on the strategy I planned for the Cairo render 
>>> implementation.
>>> One of the things that bugs me more of the original strategy, is that there 
>>> were needed to convert the pixels from one format to Cairo format in 
>>> several places because the render is made on the Synfig surface.
>>> I tried to fix this doing the following steps:
>>> 1) Define a CairoColor class with the same interface that Color class has. 
>>> Currently is a separated definition but it can be done using a template as 
>>> eldruin is doing it his own branch.
>>> 2) Using CairoColor define a CairoSurface class that has similar interface 
>>> than the synfig Surface class and so it can be used to render the document 
>>> using a CairoSurface but the SOFTWARE render method. The idea was to make 
>>> both classes handled by one ancestor one and use the ancestor as the class 
>>> to pass to the render routines. In practice it wouldn't be possible unless 
>>> the ancestor class has both CairoSurface and Surface interface members 
>>> implemented as virtual. In any case, the render methods should extract the 
>>> type of surface to decide which interface to use making it not transparent. 
>>> So at the end, it is needed to modify all the render functions to use one 
>>> or other class and the idea of transparency of the CairoColor integration 
>>> fails.
>>> So I've came up with a new idea. Surface is currently inherited from 
>>> etl::surface<Color, ColorAcumulator, ColorPrep> (all based on Color class). 
>>> What if I extend the Surface class to inherit from etl::surface<Color, ...> 
>>> and also from etl::surface<CairoColor, ...> ?
>>> This way, this super surface would use one or other interface depending on 
>>> the render method passed at time of creation.
>>> I think that it would solve the interface problems because the distinction 
>>> between one or other color type is handled internally by this super Surface 
>>> class and the layers only need to tell the surface that the geometry has to 
>>> be painted on it. In fact the layers shouldn't need to know the type of 
>>> color that Surface holds.
>>> I need to review  this idea deeply. Please stay tuned.
>>> Cheers!
>>> --
>>> Carlos
>>> http://synfig.org
>> --
>> Carlos
>> http://synfig.org
> --
> Carlos
> http://synfig.org


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