
2015-06-01 0:10 GMT+06:00 Pengfei Hao <int...@gmail.com>:
> This is the backtrace info I get:
> #0  0x00007fffee214456 in Layer_Freetype::new_face(std::string const&) () at
> /usr/lib/synfig/modules/liblyr_freetype.so
> #1  0x00007fffee214827 in Layer_Freetype::new_font_(std::string const&, int,
> int) () at /usr/lib/synfig/modules/liblyr_freetype.so
> #2  0x00007fffee21531d in Layer_Freetype::new_font(std::string const&, int,
> int) () at /usr/lib/synfig/modules/liblyr_freetype.so
> #3  0x00007fffee21bbbb in Layer_Freetype::Layer_Freetype() () at
> /usr/lib/synfig/modules/liblyr_freetype.so
> #4  0x00007fffee21c60b in Layer_Freetype::create() () at
> /usr/lib/synfig/modules/liblyr_freetype.so
> #5  0x00007ffff78e2e0c in synfig::Layer::create(std::string const&) () at
> /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #6  0x00007ffff79094c4 in synfig::CanvasParser::parse_layer(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #7  0x00007ffff79054f0 in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_canvas(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>, bool, synfig::FileSystem::Identifier const&,
> std::string) ()
>     at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #8  0x00007ffff790214e in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_canvas_defs(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #9  0x00007ffff7903eb4 in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_canvas(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>, bool, synfig::FileSystem::Identifier const&,
> std::string) ()
>     at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #10 0x00007ffff7913283 in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_from_file_as(synfig::FileSystem::Identifier
> const&, std::string const&, std::string&) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #11 0x00007ffff7914c02 in
> synfig::open_canvas_as(synfig::FileSystem::Identifier const&, std::string
> const&, std::string&, std::string&) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #12 0x00007ffff78bdf21 in synfig::Canvas::surefind_canvas(std::string
> const&, std::string&) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #13 0x00007ffff790b639 in synfig::CanvasParser::parse_layer(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #14 0x00007ffff79054f0 in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_canvas(xmlpp::Element*,
> etl::handle<synfig::Canvas>, bool, synfig::FileSystem::Identifier const&,
> std::string) ()
>     at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #15 0x00007ffff7913283 in
> synfig::CanvasParser::parse_from_file_as(synfig::FileSystem::Identifier
> const&, std::string const&, std::string&) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #16 0x00007ffff7914c02 in
> synfig::open_canvas_as(synfig::FileSystem::Identifier const&, std::string
> const&, std::string&, std::string&) () at /usr/lib/libsynfig.so.0
> #17 0x00000000004691c4 in OptionsProcessor::extract_job()
> (this=0x7fffffffe350) at optionsprocessor.cpp:523
> #18 0x00000000004841b3 in main(int, char**) (argc=11, argv=0x7fffffffe8d8)
> at main.cpp:274
> Did you notice my another email before, I already print a debug tree:
> here is the debug tree I found:
> tool/main.cpp 296:
> job = op.extract_job();
> tool/optionsprocessor.cpp 533:
> job.root =
> open_canvas_as(FileSystemNative::instance()->get_identifier(job.filename
> ), job.filename, errors, warnings);
> synfig/loadcanvas.cpp 172:
> canvas=parser.parse_from_file_as(identifier,as,errors);
> synfig/loadcanvas.cpp 3520:
> Canvas::Handle
> canvas(parse_canvas(parser.get_document()->get_root_node(),0,false,
> identifier,as));
> synfig/loadcanvas.cpp 3421:
> canvas->push_front(parse_layer(child,canvas));
> synfig/loadcanvas.cpp 2786:
> layer=Layer::create(element->get_attribute("type")->get_value());
> synfig/layer.cpp 177:
> book()[name].factory();
> These layer created successfully:
> PasteCanvas
> PasteCanvas
> shade
> SolidColor
> But the last one, text, failed.

Thank you for the debug info!
Yes, I saw the previous message. ^__^

Can you please post a list of the files you have in /usr/share/fonts/
(inside of chroot).

Also, probably I can try to run OSC here by myself and examine the
problem. I just have no enough time right now - so much priorities!

Best Regards,


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