Hello, Konstantin.

Thanks for quick response and granting access. Now i can play Bug Admin
just a bit ^_^

Also, while i'm at it, i should perhaps ask: is this mail list supposed
to be a place for general development discussion (not individual
issues, but like something long-term and fundamental) or it's better to
do that on forum or bugtracker?

On Sat, 22 Oct 2016 18:33:55 +0700
Konstantin Dmitriev <ksee.zelga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2016-10-22 18:05 GMT+07:00 Caryo Scelus <caryosce...@gmx.com>:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I am a new developer, actively coding Synfig at this time. You
> > might've seen my PRs on github and.. that's pretty much the reason
> > i write on the mailing list. It's getting quite inconvenient to
> > wait weeks to get them merged.
> >
> > Another thing that bothers me is the new issue tracker. First of
> > all, it seems that it wasn't properly announced anywhere, which
> > still leads to confusion about which tracker to use. Second, while
> > it's great to start with a clean state and not deal with tons of
> > outdated issues, we're going to end up with new tracker issues
> > getting outdated as well if nobody will attend to them and sort
> > them out.
> >
> > I understand that most of core developers might not have time for
> > Synfig at the moment and in that case i would happily help out, but
> > for that i need write access and/or synfig membership on github.
> >
> > Hope to hear from you soon and thanks for you work!  
> Hello, Caryo Scelus!
> First of all, thank you for your contribution and active work on the
> issue tracker! I am sorry for being so slow with responding - this is
> due to the fact that I am busy with many other projects. So, your help
> is much appreciated here!
> I am happy to provide you the write access to github account of
> Synfig. Welcome! ^__^
> Regarding to the new bugtracker. It wasn't announced yet because I
> haven't finished all migration tasks yet. In that regard your pull
> request (https://github.com/synfig/synfig/pull/253) is a big help.
> Another thing that I would like to be done - add a HTML popup window
> to old bugtracker, which informs that "You are visiting an outdated
> bugtracker. Please consider submitting your issues to the new
> bugtracker here - URL."
> Bes Regards,
> Konstantin
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