Well, I still haven't given up on this and I am making progress. For the sake 
of spreading my experience the script wasn't failing - I just failed at DNS :) 
When I reinstalled Active Directory with out DNS already installed in the AD it 
worked (somewhat). I followed the guide and just added the appropriate records. 
After running the script this is where I am stuck now:

-bash-3.00# ./adjoin.sh -f
Joining domain: mydomain.com
Looking for domain controllers and global catalogs (A RRs)
Looking for KDCs and DCs (SRV RRs)
        KDCs = server2003.mydomain.com 88
        DCs = server2003.mydomain.com 389
Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Looking for forest name
        Forest name = mydomain.com
Looking for Global Catalog servers
Looking for site name
        Looking for subnet object in the global catalog
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Can't connect to the LDAP server - Connection 
timed out
Could not find site name for any local subnet
        Site name not found.  Local DCs/GCs will not be discovered
Looking to see if there's an existing account...
Creating the machine account in AD via LDAP
adding new entry CN=SOLARIS.MYDOMAIN.COM,CN=Computers,DC=mydomain,DC=com
ldap_add: Unknown error
ldap_add: additional info: 00000523: SysErr: DSID-031A0FB6, problem 22 (Invalid 
argument), data 0

Could not add the new object to AD
Through my brilliant powers of observation I deducted that the problem was due 
to something with LDAP. I followed the guide and ran the following:

-bash-3.00# ldapsearch -x -h server2003.mydomain.com -o mech=gssapi -o 
authzid='' -b "cn=solaris,cn=computers,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -s base "" cn
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error

Next I tried to configure with ldapclient - the file by  runaway1 worked by I 
need authenticationMethod=sasl/gssapi - Seems this is where the problem is:

% ldapclient -v manual \
-a credentialLevel=self \
-a authenticationMethod=sasl/gssapi \
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=companyxyz,dc=com \
-a domainName=companyxyz.com \
-a defaultServerList= \
-a attributeMap=passwd:gecos=cn \
-a attributeMap=passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory \
-a objectClassMap=group:posixGroup=group \
-a objectClassMap=passwd:posixAccount=user \
-a objectClassMap=shadow:shadowAccount=user \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:cn=users,dc=companyxyz,dc=com?one \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=group:cn=users,dc=companyxyz,dc=com?one
start: Error: sasl/GSSAPI bind is not working. Abort.
Error resetting system.
Recovering old system settings.

There's a bug on it here: 


I have posted another thread as this is an ldap issue and not AD integration. 
Hopefully I will get directions to assist in the work around.
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