On 5/2/17 7:34 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
+cc: sysadmins

On 5/1/2017 10:30 PM, David Jones wrote:

Yes. I did. Boy was that painful! The format of the hyperreal.org zone file was not standard so I had to manually verify all of the records. There were a few differences (see below) that I reconciled so now we are good to request the public slaves point to as their master. When you are talking with the sonic.net DNS contact, please confirm the IP(s) we should be sending notifies to and allowing zone transfers from sin

Done. You should see a copy of the request I sent to the list. I simplified the request for them but I read the notes about the discrepancies.

Note the differences in even the sonic.net (behind on 4 records) and hyperreal.org (missing 1 record completely) servers: # dns_compare -z spamassassin.org --file sa.org --server a.auth-ns.sonic.net
(MIS-MATCH) query: 0.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org.
 Expected:  3600 IN TXT "1786853"
 Received:  3600 IN TXT "1786640"
Interesting. Sounds like one was going out of sync shortly before the failure.
ns_compare -z spamassassin.org --file sa.org --server ns.hyperreal.org \
Matches:      101
Mis-matches:  1

We should check that after they sync. Missing a record is weird and that's not a new record...
My plan is to setup a script on sa-vm1.apache.org that would run daily and email if there are record differences since we don't have control of the public DNS servers.




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