I have this in my ~/.ssh/config file if you want to do something similar:

Host *.apache.org
    User davej
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/apache.org.key

On 05/15/2017 09:37 AM, Bryan Vest wrote:
I should have included where the accounts are:
I have the id.a.o account setup with PGP and SSH keys.
I have a jira account, I can log in seem to have the access I need.

This morning I added the ssh key for this workstation that Im on now. So
far I have 3 ssh keys there, two for my Linux Mint workstation at home and
one for this Linux Mint workstation I am on now.

--Bryan Vest

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:19 AM, Bryan Vest <murli...@gmail.com> wrote:

Time zone is Ohio EDT. I sent an email to infra asking for access since I
was still getting the LDAP error last night. I have an account setup
everywhere I think I need to have them setup.

--Bryan Vest

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 10:05 AM, Dave Jones <da...@apache.org> wrote:

I don't think you are becoming a burden.  It's just odd timing really
with a number of things all coming together.  I am having to dig in very
deep to figure out all of this stuff to get the ruleqa running again. It's
quite frankly a mess from years of different people helping out while
running on different OSes.  I would like to get it going again and then
standardize/consolidate everything in a logical manner soon.

Kevin is busy so I will help finish off your onboarding steps.  I think
you are close.  I think Keven opened a Jira ticket to get you added to
sa-vm1.apache.org.  Can you SSH into it with your SSH key?  If so, can
you sudo to root using OPIE?

What time zone are you in?  I will try to give you a call this afternoon
after I am off work.  I am in Dallas, TX (Central).


On 05/15/2017 08:30 AM, Bryan Vest wrote:

When I took the Unix Admin position where I work now it sort of went like

They gave me a workstation, direct root access to all servers and routers
in the network and more or less said have at it and thats what I have
doing for the last 13 years with a few bumps along the way.

This created a shell around me that I am trying to break, almost an
shell of leaving my always root home. Always dealing with the same people
and so on.

Breaking into OpenSource to help with the skills that I have seemed to be
the best way to break that shell. Though I feel at this point I am
more of a burden than a help since I have yet do do anything though
everyone else at least half of the system seems to be up.

Does anyone see anything else that I am missing in my on-boarding steps.


--Bryan Vest

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