If you look on the sa-vm1 box in /etc/cron.d/automc you will see all of the cron jobs that I found from the /home/kmcgrail/SAcron mbox. I updated the bottom of the InfraNote2017 wiki page with what these cron jobs do. I think this is the core of the ruleqa process that allows us to validate rules from the submitted corpus and start sa-update working again but the http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org site is not getting updated. This is my next thing to tackle. Now that I know buildbot wasn't involved that will same me a lot of time. I am concerned that where ever this part was running wasn't backed up. I may have to take your advice and post on the dev mailing list to see if anyone knows anything or has some backups somewhere.


On 05/30/2017 07:00 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Ahh. This was for the quick masschecks for the preflight rules. I don't think it is used nor is the corpora it is run against maintained.

Is there parts of rule qa that aren't working other than these quick checks?

On May 30, 2017 7:50:40 PM EDT, Dave Jones <da...@apache.org> wrote:

    In looking into what updates the RuleQAApp web interface for
    http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org, I found this:


    Something has to do some processing to update the data folder that the
    ruleqa.cgi uses for the http://ruleqa.spamassassin site.  If we can
    simply run the commands/steps from a cron'd script, that would be better
    but I am not finding any such script so far.  May have to create one.

    Buildbot configs are in SVN:



    On 05/30/2017 05:54 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

        Well, what are we using buildbot for? I'm trying to remember
        and it might not be needed. On 5/30/2017 5:08 PM, Dave Jones

            I think I have figured out the primary hurdle I was
            hitting when I wrote that last email on 5/27. I found some
            stuff in the backups the very long and hard way to get a
            little closer. Now I am at the buildbot setup and
            discovery stage. I installed buildbot on sa-vm1 but there
            is a huge change in versions so the old master config file
            in SVN has to be converted into the new version which will
            take me some time as I have to learn buildbot from
            scratch. Dave On 05/30/2017 12:17 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

                On 5/27/2017 3:12 PM, Dave Jones wrote:

                    This script:
                    refers to
                    which is not in any backups under
                    /usr/local/spamassassin/backups. A few lines down
                    in the script it refers to 'generate-new-scores'
                    which exists in:
                    It appears that his is a different
                    'generate-new-scores' than what might have been in
                    the missing /home/dos/sa-score-gen since it's
                    doing some rsync'ing to pull in corpus which
                    should have been on the same server? Where the
                    servers separated before? Was
                    <http://rsync.spamassassin.org> on a different box
                    than where these cron jobs ran?

                Dave, What machines ran what, splitting and
                recombining servers, etc. is too much for me to
                remember, sorry. I can try and dig too but it's
                confusing to me as well. However, an important thing
                is are we running the correct scripts. Since I don't
                see /home/dos on spamassassin-vm1 in my backups, I'm
                guessing it was on a different server. Regards, KAM

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