
SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1796997

Corpus total: 120, Old: 84, Recent: 18, New: 18

New masscheck submission listings:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (May 31 02:10)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (May 31 02:10)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (May 31 02:02)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-ena.log (May 31 08:59)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-axb-generic.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (May 31 02:02)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-axb-generic.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-axb-ninja.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-axb-ninja.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-jarif.log (May 31 11:58)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (May 31 02:03)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-jarif.log (May 31 11:58)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (May 31 02:03)
   1796997 (Yes) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (May 31 04:38)
   1796997 (Yes) - spam-ena.log (May 31 08:59)

18/18 matches
run-parts: /etc/cron.hourly/checkMasscheckContribs exited with return code 1

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