Corpus total: 152, Old: 92, Recent: 16, New: 10

SVN tagged rev in weekly_mass_check:  1814259

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1814259 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Nov 4 09:05)
   1814259 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Nov 4 09:32)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Nov 4 14:41)
   1814259 (Yes) - spam-net-giovanni.log (Nov 4 10:08)
   1814259 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Nov 4 09:05)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Nov 4 14:41)
   1814259 (Yes) - ham-net-giovanni.log (Nov 4 10:08)
   1814259 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Nov 4 10:32)
   1814259 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Nov 4 10:32)
   1814259 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Nov 4 09:32)

8/10 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Oct 29 05:47)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-jarif.log (Oct 28 21:22)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-ena-week2.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-ena-week1.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-ena-week3.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Oct 29 05:46)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Oct 28 18:00)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-ena-week3.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Oct 28 18:00)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Oct 28 18:00)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-ena-week2.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-jarif.log (Oct 28 21:22)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-ena-week1.log (Oct 29 02:02)
   1813595  (No) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Oct 28 18:00)

0/16 matches (0 ham, 0 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script.

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