
Hi Sidney,

Sure, I can take point. 

All, I don't recommend any changes for 2019 for our targeted sponsors. 
Here's the sponsors we have:
Sonic.net       Bronze  SpamAssassin    Revisit Annually on 12/31 to confirm    
        Y       sonic.net <http://sonic.net>    MACHINE, DNS & SA-UPDATES       
done    Joe
Muller <joe.mul...@sonic.com>
PCCC.com <http://PCCC.com>      Bronze  SpamAssassin    Revisit Annually on
12/31 to confirm        
        Y       www.pccc.com <http://www.pccc.com>      DNS & SA-UPDATES        
ENA     Bronze  SpamAssassin    Revisit Annually on 12/31 to confirm    
        DNS & SA-UPDATES        Done    David Jones <djo...@ena.com>

>From my notes from last year and those who donate SA mirrors: "After
more discussions re: ASF Mirrors and Infra, we are not recognizing these. "

David, it doesn't look like we recognize ENA on the thanks page.  What
was the status on that?  Were we still held up on the agreement?

Perhaps this information could be added to our wiki as a thanks page?  I
always had access to it in the master sponsor spreadsheet

Draft Response:

Hi Sally, Please keep the SA targeted sponsors the same for 2019.

Sonic donates DNS and updates via a machine donation  which is also
PCCC donates DNS and updates.  COID this is my old firm.
ENA donates DNS and updates. 

KAM on behalf of the SA PMC

I vote +1 on the response but very open to changes from wordsmithing to
changing the plan.  Please respond my 1/23 so we can meet fundraising's


On 1/19/2019 12:06 AM, Sidney Markowitz wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> You are more on top of these than I am. Can you take point on
> formulating a reply (with suitable participation by everyone in as
> much as "what we would like" is a matter of PMC policy) and also
> consider where such things could be documented so that they are
> available to the PMC instead of in someone's head?
> Thanks,
>  Sidney
> Sally Khudairi wrote on 19/01/19 5:33 PM:
>> Hello Apache SpamAssassin PMC --I hope you are all well.
>> A quick note to let you know that I will be your primary point of
>> contact at the ASF with regard to Targeted Sponsorships alongside VP
>> Fundraising Daniel Ruggeri (copied).
>> I understand that services from ENA, PCCC.com, and Sonic.net have
>> been offered to your project as a Targeted Sponsorship to the ASF.
>> I was wondering if you'd be able to fill me in on the details with
>> respect to the services each sponsor provides, and to let me know
>> which sponsors you'd like us to:
>> a) keep the same arrangement for 2019 (or longer);
>> b) keep the sponsorship but upgrade it to XYZ (I can bring you in
>> when the time comes);
>> c) terminate the relationship
>> Would it be possible to have this information by Wednesday 23
>> January? Many thanks in advance for your help with this!
>> Warmest regards,
>> Sally
>> - - -
>> Vice President Marketing & Publicity
>> Vice President Sponsor Relations
>> The Apache Software Foundation
>> Tel +1 617 921 8656 | s...@apache.org

Kevin A. McGrail
VP Fundraising, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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