On 5/5/2019 6:10 AM, Paul Stead wrote:
> Promotions and tags still seem to be a little problematic at the moment. A
> run of build/mkupdates/listpromotable locally shows +300 lines difference
> to active.list over the one being submitted.

Before I deal with this issue:


TL;DR: REMINDER: PLEASE use a make test on your local checkout before

We had two issues.  It appears an svn commit failed on a release and
that left cruft that was colliding for commit.  That issue was caused by
a manual edit to active.list:

Revision *1854477*
<http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1854477> - (view
- [select for diffs]

Modified /Wed Feb 27 18:16:20 2019 UTC/ (2 months ago) by /gbechis/
File length: 15052 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1854447

Switch to https and fix some 404 errors
bz #7652

The second issue is a continuing one and that is committers submitting
without 'make test' first.  This occurred in January when I tried to
build the last release.  If the svn for trunk including rules is broken,
it will break masscheck, etc.  We are currently passing again so just a
friendly reminder.  It takes a village to stop a spammer :-)

So  now, what I see in the logs is that the commit didn't occur but
there is no error, nothing.  Checking

5/5 (note that Committing promotions is NOT followed by an svn commit)

+ echo 'Committing promotions in rules/active.list...'
+ svn commit -m 'promotions validated' rules/active.list
Committing promotions in rules/active.list...
+ /usr/bin/perl masses/rule-qa/list-bad-rules

5/4 (example where the commit worked)
+ echo 'Committing promotions in rules/active.list...'
Committing promotions in rules/active.list...
+ svn commit -m 'promotions validated' rules/active.list
Sending        rules/active.list
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1858595.

I'm out of time to keep pursuing this but hoping someone else can look
at it.



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