Hi Folks,

Going along with the proposed changes to the TIMESTAMP field, perhaps it
would be good to address the HOSTNAME field.  First, the HOSTNAME field is
just that; the host name without the domain name.  This goes against
almost everything else Internet-ish and IETF-ish so I'd like to propose
that the HOSTNAME field contain either a HOSTNAME-3164 format, for legacy
compatability, or a HOSTNAME-STD13 format which provides for a full host
name and fqdn.  Currently, Section 2.2 of the syslog-sign ID has the
following text:

---vvv--- Currently in Section 2.2 ---vvv---

   The HOSTNAME field will contain only the hostname, the IPv4 address,
   or the IPv6 address of the originator of the message. The preferred
   value is the hostname. If the hostname is used, the HOSTNAME field
   MUST contain the hostname of the device as specified in STD-13 [4].
   The Domain Name MUST NOT be included in the HOSTNAME field. If the
   IPv4 address is used, it MUST be shown as the dotted decimal
   notation as used in STD-13 [5]. If an IPv6 address is used, any
   valid representation used in RFC-2373 [6] MAY be used. A single
   space character MUST also follow the HOSTNAME field.

---^^^--- Currently in Section 2.2 ---^^^---

I would propose that it be changed to the following:

---vvv--- Proposed change to Section 2.2 ---vvv---

   The HOSTNAME field will contain an indication of the originator of
   the message in one of four formats:  only the hostname, the hostname
   and domainname, the IPv4 address, or the IPv6 address.  The preferred
   value is the hostname and domainname in the format specified in
   STD-13 [RFC 1034 and 1035].  This format will be referred to in this
   document as HOSTNAME-STD13.  If only the hostname is used, the
   HOSTNAME field MUST contain the hostname only of the device as
   specified in STD-13 [4].  This format is discouraged but provides for
   legacy compatability with the format described in RFC 3164.  This
   format will be referred to in this document as HOSTNAME-3164.  In
   this format, the Domain Name MUST NOT be included in the HOSTNAME
   field.  If the IPv4 address is used, it MUST be shown as the dotted
   decimal notation as used in STD-13 [5], and will be referred to as
   HOSTNAME-IPV4.  If an IPv6 address is used, any valid representation
   used in RFC-2373 [6] MAY be used and will be referred to as
   HOSTNAME-IPV6. A single space character MUST also follow the
   HOSTNAME field.

   Messages containing Signature Blocks and Certificate Blocks as
   described in this document MUST use the HOSTNAME-STD13 format in
   the HOSTNAME field.

---^^^--- Proposed change to Section 2.2 ---^^^---

Please respond to the list about your thoughts on this.


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