First, I am not on your mailing list, so pls copy me on the
follow up email if you want me to see it.

Since I was in the syslog WG session today I quickly scanned
the document. I would STRONGLY URGE you to look at
and make sure that you follow those guidelines, certainly before
you submit this to the MIB doctors for review. A lot of my comments
below could/SHOULD have been addressed by just following those

Here is a initial set of things I noticed:
- do not do

- Do not include REVISION clauses for I-D revisions.
  You can keep that text in an appendix or so (to be deleted
  when it becomes an RFC).
  A MIB that becomes RFC for the first time has just ONE
  REVISION clause
- I see you use Integer32 for index objects. It is acceptable,
  but the recommendation is to use Unsigned32 and I do not see
  why that would not work for you
- You have a RowStatus object that says:

- you have syslogAllowedHostsMaskLen as a Integer32.
  Why is that not a InetAddressPrefixLength (from RFC3291) ?

- syslogAllowedHostsTable does not have a StorageType object,
  nor does the table DESCRIPTION clause say anything on
  persistency behaviour

- you have syslogParamsRowStatus and state in DESCRIPTION clause
       a. change the row status to ''invalid'', causing its deletion
       b. create a new conceptual row with the desired values.
  Well, 'invalid' is NOT one of the values that a RowStatus can
  be set to.

- The StorageType object that you DO use, does not describe
  what columns MUST be writable for 'permanent' rows. See the
  StorageType TC in rfc 2579.

- I see
  syslogParamsFacilityTranslation OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                  off       (1),
                  on        (2)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-write
  Why is that not a TruthValue?
  There are more of those objects that I think can be represented
  with a TruthValue Syntax

- syslogParamsSecuritySpecs
  Why do the enums start at zero while we recommend to start at 1

There is probably much more. Please review the MIB guidelines and
try to do a good job at following them


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