Hi all,

This is a follow-up posting raised by my i18n question on syslog. The
udp vs. tcp syslog issue was raised (again ;) - have a look at the list

As I started it, I would like to take up the ball. First of all, please
keep in mind that RFC3195 IS TCP BASED SYSLOG. So there is already a RFC
for this. The current hesitance to implement it stems back - in my
opinion - to the lack of a suitable, small and easy to integrate BEEP
library. I guess if we put half of the effort of discussing the tcp vs.
udp  war, we could already have written one ;) ... But I have to admit
that I, too, was dragged away from writing it.

For some other group, I had also created a small & incomplete spec on
how syslog over tcp could look like. You may want to have a look at it
just to find out why a "simple" solution can't be totally reliable... I
think the spec provides some very good arguments for RFC3195
(specifically 2.4 and 4 intro).


And yes, this paper looks IDish, but this is just because I used Jon
Postel's nroff macros... (because that format is well known).


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