Hi Folks,

I've updated our WG page:


John and Jon have updated syslog-sign:

I believe that Albert suggested that more characters be added to the TAG
field.  He said that "@" would be good.  Are there any others that should
be added in Section 2.2?  I'd like to get that resolved and then move this
work along to WG Last Call and then submission to the IESG as it is
looking very complete now.


Glenn has syslog-MIB here:

There havn't been too many comments about this on the WG mailing list so I
expect that people have been reading it and thinking about it.  Please
don't wait; send in your comments now.


We also have an ID on Internationalization of syslog messages by Rainer
Gerhards here:

This is a -00 draft which has generated several comments.  A suggestion
has been made to "internationalize" the entire packet rather than just the
MSG part.  I'm making some inquiries now but I think that we should
proceed with this ID as it is - essentially a cookie at the start of the
MSG signifies that the contents of the MSG part is not in US-ASCII.  I'll
bring up the issue about internationalizing the entire packet when I get
some guidance.


Anything else that anyone wants to discuss?


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