Hi WG,

I had some off-list discussion with Anton Okmianski on the proposed
fragmentation issue in here. I think he raised some very good points and
I am now posting some of his important thoughts (with his permission):

> I don't have any beef with reboot id...  On the contrary, if it is
> defined as a per process thing, I think it is not a bad idea.  But if
> it is per-host, then sequence numbers have to per-host.  And this is
> bad.  This means that processes have to coordinate with each other
> (through another daemon process, shared memory, peer-to-peer or other
> mechanism). This is a problem because this complexity affects
> availability and reliability of the solutions.  When things are hosed
> on the system, it helps when process does not have external
> dependencies in order to report the problems.
> I understand that you have to deal with -sign though.  And I don't
> know exactly what they spec'ed.  On the other hand -sign is not even
> an RFC yet.   I think they should probably add process identifier and
> make reboot id per process. It seems like a very obvious choice if we
> are saying that we support architecture of multiple processes firing
> remotely directly.

I think this boils down to the issue of a single daemon (*nix like)
design vs. a design with multiple independant senders running on the
same system. I agree on that there is an issue if we borrow too much
from the *nix approach (or kind of silently assume it).

Some related reading can be found here:

http://www.mail-archive.com/syslog-sec%40employees.org/msg01217.html (be
sure to follow the thread)

In some other mail, Anton proposed to drop the reboot session ID in
favour of using the following fields as identifier for a single message:

- TIMESTAMP (should be at least in millisecond resolution)
- TAG (should include process id)

These fields should be exactly the same in each fragment and identify
the message (the whole, oversized one). Then fragementation is done
close to what was proposed in -international-0:


with fragno being the current fragment (starting at 1) and fragtotal
being the total number of fragments. fragtotal would be optional. No
byte counting is done, it is just a plain advancing number. The bottom
line of this is that we can NOT detect bytes added after the original
message with this approach (but would we really like to preserve -sign
signatures in this case...?).

I have to say, I like Anton's approach. It's simple & efficient and
removes the need for the reboot session id, which can be challenging in
some environments.

If there is no objection, I will move this approach into the next
revision of -international.

So, is there any objection? ;)

Anton: would you find this sufficent, as I do not make process id a


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