Hi Folks,

I think that this resolves the netconf discussion.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 14:53:20 -0800
From: Andy Bierman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sharon Chisholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Netconf (E-mail)" <netconf@ops.ietf.org>
Subject: Re: Why are we doing netconf?

Sharon Chisholm wrote:

To all the people who want netconf to be a replacement
for syslog, snmp, ipfix, or whatever:

How about if we solve network configuration first,
then replace every other MGMT protocol in the world
with our new protocol?  (!)

I don't think the WG agrees that notifications in the
NETCONF protocol is a critical missing component,
let alone the most important critical missing component.

For NETCONF to be truly content-independent, the notification
delivery mechanism needs to be totally decoupled from
notification content.  There are a lot of different
ideas on this content, and who should standardize it.

I am totally opposed to the NETCONF WG working on syslog
content.  We need syslog experts (and the Chair) for that.
Sounds like a BOF in the works, but no NETCONF work item here.

I am also totally opposed to working on anything but
the bare minimum number of standard notifications
(like config-change) at this time.  You want a data model,
how about creating a writable interfaces table and an access control
model?  These are critical missing data models.


 Thanks Dave for the well-thought through post.

 I think the 'restriction' on Netconf for configuration has always been
 an artificial one, but it has served us well. One of the big problems we
 ran into with SNMP was we kept picking off the easier problem of
 monitoring and never giving configuration enough focus. By limiting the
 focusing primarily on configuration for Netconf 1.0, we have ended up
 with a great technical solution that is seeing some good market uptake.

 I think actual implementations of Netconf are not limiting themselves to
 just configuration. The CLI never did. For deployments, the high cost of
 having to integrate information from different sources gets weighed
 against the cost of having to replace legacy systems. Sometimes it wins.
 Sometimes it doesn't. For the most part, all this can be done using the
 existing framework. The gaps that people run into when trying to do this
 are, I believe, the same ones they run into while trying to use Netconf
 for configuration - access control, data model and notifications.
 Another gap might be 'operational' commands such as rebooting and
 maintenance, but the universal requirements there are not yet clear to

 I've personally been working both the data modeling and the notification
 issue. I'd work access control, but other then a sense that I'd like
 something simpler then we've seen in the past, I have no idea what we
 would need. They are all important, both for configuration-only
 implementations and configuration-plus ones.  I've focused more on the
 notification work lately because I was getting a lot of pushback on the
 data model work from certain people, but I'm willing to put time on that
 topic again. I think though, that for people looking to be able to pick
 up third-party Netconf stacks, there are some big advantages to being
 able to standardize on any extended protocol operations sooner rather
 then later.

 As far as whether if we said from day one that netconf would do more
 than configuration and things would have been designed differently, I
 don't now if that is the case. As far as being forced to solve problems
 at some point in the future related to performance management if we
 don't somehow engineer/re-engineer the protocol so it can't be used for
 things like that, I don't think that would be helpful.   At that day in
 the future the community can decide whether it wants to spend time on
 that particular problem. Plus, unless at that point in the future we
 learned that they were not also using Netconf for configuration, this
 would be a sign of success.

 So, in summary, I think the current notification work absolutely is
 necessary for configuration management. I don't see the value of
 precluding its use for other functions and I believe for the other
 functions all we need to do is provide the ability to specify the
 correct event class. I'm also willing to work on the other gaps.


 -----Original Message-----
 Behalf Of David Harrington
 Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 1:26 PM
 To: 'Netconf (E-mail)'
 Subject: Why are we doing netconf?


 I would like a better understasnding of why we are doing notifications.
 I am struck by what appears to me to be two very different drivers for
 netconf, and the "why are we doing notifications?" question relates to
 these different motivations.

 I have suggested that the O&M and Security communities should work at
 establishing a strategic vision about converging aspects of the various
 NM protocols and NM security solutions. If this is a path worth taking,
 it should be a deliberate decision to do so because there are some real
 problems associated with a convergence approach.

 For this reason, I would like to understand what we are trying to
 achieve with netconf and the current proposal for notifications, to
 determine if the goals are compatible.

 If the purpose of netconf is to provide a machine-friendly, standardized
 protocol to eliminate the need for screen scraping CLI expect scripts, I
 am not convinced we need notifications in the netconf protocol. I think
 the netconf WG has done a reasonably good job of standardizing the
 operations, but to achieve the goals, we also need to improve the
 parseability of the data that now needs to be screen scraped. The
 parseability of the data contained in the responses coming back must be
 addressed. If vendors simply take their existing screens of data and
 surround them with <cli></cli> tags, then I think we've failed to
 eliminate the screen-scraping problem, and other problems identified by
 operators at the IAB NM workshop:

    -  Some command line interfaces lack a common data model.  It is very
       well possible that the same command on different devices, even
       from the same vendor, behaves differently.

    -  The command line interface is primarily targeted to humans which
       can adapt to minor syntax and format changes easily.  Using
       command line interfaces as a programmatic interface is troublesome
       because of parsing complexities.

    -  Command line interfaces often lack proper version control for the
       syntax and the semantics.  It is therefore time consuming and
       error prone to maintain programs or scripts that interface with
       different versions of a command line interface.

    -  Since command line interfaces are proprietary, they can not be
       used efficiently to automate processes in an environment with a
       heterogenous set of devices.

    -  The access control facilities, if present at all, are often ad-hoc
       and sometimes insufficient.

 Netconf does not seem to resolve these operational disadvantages of the
 CLI, and notifications aren't even mentioned as a problem to be solved.

 If the purpose of netconf is to standardzie existing practice, and
 existing practice is defined as screen scraping CLI expect scripts plus
 syslog notifications, then I question whether we need to include syslog
 notifications in netconf; syslog works well in its special niche, and
 really doesn't need to be added to netconf.

 The Syslog (-security) WG has been working to standardize the message
 header format. The syslog community has not reached consensus on the
 need to standard message content, except to add a structured data
 component. The WG had difficulty even reaching agreement on
 standardizing their message header format beyond starting the message
 with <PRI>. I do not believe that netconf would be more successful at
 standardizing syslog content than the syslog community, so I do not
 believe that standardizing syslog message content should be a
 justification for adding notifications to netconf, without a long
 discussion about the feasibility of accomplishing this goal. I think the
 standardization of syslog belongs in a (O&M) syslog WG, not the netconf
 WG (and not the syslog security WG).

 If the purpose of netconf is to assimilate the functionality of older
 protocols like syslog and SNMP - to integrate them into a collective
 netconf structure, and to eventually replace the old protocols with a
 new general purpose management protocol minus the known problems, then
 netconf has a higher bar to meet in its design requirements than have
 been acknowledged. SNMPv3 is complex because it needed to deal with
 security issues and troubleshooting requirements and other things;
 syslog does not have a standard content format because there are a wide
 number of vendors protecting their space, and the demand for backwards
 compatibility to all or most existing header formats has prevented
 progress in the syslog (security) WG. Faced with requirements comparable
 to those faced by the older protocols during their design, I expect
 netconf would fail to assimilate them properly. Therefore, if the
 purpose of netconf is to be a general purpose NM protocol, we need to
 have a serious discussion about the requirements that must be met to
 achieve successful assimilation.

 I find the existing proposal has plans to assimilate other protocols -
 "The purpose of this [syslog-to-netconf] mapping is to provide an
 unambiguous mapping to enable consistent multi-protocol implementations
 as well as to enable future migration." and to attempt to standardize
 that which the syslog community has failed to standardize - "The intent
 is to promote the use of the NETCONF interface and not to simply provide
 a wrapper and additional delivery mechanism for syslog messages.
 NETCONF events are intended to be well defined and structured, therefore
 providing an advantage over the unstructured and often times arbitrarily
 defined syslog messages (i.e. the message field)."

 I am a strong supporter of judicious reuse of NM and security solutions
 across NM interfaces, but I believe apparent convergence opportunities
 need to be discussed and for  each convergence we need to consider the
 requirements met by each protocol and whether a converged solution
 continues to meet those requirements or deliberately does not meet some

 I am bothered by the fact that netconf, a configuration protocol, is
 being redesigned in the current proposal to carry syslog messages that
 may have nothing to do with configuration, and it is expected that even
 more stuff, also possibly not related to configuration, will be carried
 in a new event message format. Operators at the IAB Network Management
 Workshop apparently did not find syslog sufficiently broken to request
 that a new event messaging capability be designed, so I have concerns
 that the current proposal includes a brand-new notification solution.

 If netconf will become the new general purpose mgmt protocol for the
 IETF, we should do this deliberately, not as a side-effect of adding a
 notification operation to netconf.

 David Harrington
 FutureWei Technologies, a Huawei company

>  -----Original Message-----
>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Romascanu, Dan
>  Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 5:20 AM
>  To: Andy Bierman
>  Cc: Netconf (E-mail)
>  Subject: RE: Interim attendance survey
> > [...] I am aware that this good shape is
>  apparent, and there is little agreement on the problem space, and
> little review of the draft that includes a proposed solution even to > determine the level of agreement. I would encourage the WG to focus
>  discussing the problem space (why are we doing notifications?) and
>  draft and other options for solutions more intensively on the
>  list. Let
>  us see in the next couple of weeks if we can reach more convergence
>  the 'why' and 'how' questions.
> > If we do have contributions about the scope and reviews of
>  the draft and
>  solutions on the list we have a chance to better converge and reach
>  agreement. If the level of apathy stays the same, I am not sure that
>  partially attended interim meeting would help.

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