
As syslog WG co-chair, let me make the WG aware of this point.

Standardization of structured data elements (SDEs) is out of scope for
this WG.
The syslog WG is a **security** WG, not a data modeling WG.

The protocol document describes the fact that IANA-registered SDEs
should be approved by Standards action. That is for (IETF-sponsored)
IANA-registered SDEs only. Individuals can define their own SDEs
(containing an at-sign) that are not IANA registered.

We have had a couple drafts brought to this WG that define SDEs. If
members of this WG want to standardize SDEs, they should request the
creation of a WG in the OPS area to do that work, or if the SDEs
relate to a specific type of SDEs, such as those related to RAI
technologies, you might be abel to start a WG in the associated area.
You will probably need to develop a charter, with document
deliverables, timelines within which the documents will be delivered,
and limits on which types of SDEs will be developed within the
documents. Charters can be renewed to develop new documents for SDEs
with different focus over time.

Personally, I think defining and registering standard SDEs would be
very valuable work. However, the syslog WG in the Security Area is not
the correct WG to host this work.

David Harrington
co-chair, syslog WG

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