tom.petch wrote:
> Chris
> I am fine with the layer diagram given below but I am less clear about the
> consequences for the MIB.
> Currently, there is a table with an arbitrary integer index which contains
> application name, application control file name, receive address and 
> statistics.
> I have never been too clear on what an entry in this table represents, as I 
> have
> queried before.
There are two tables. I presume that you are referring to
syslogControlTable. The DESCRIPTION for syslogControlEntry
should answer your question
           "The configuration parameters pertaining to a syslog
Let me know which part is unclear, I will try to clarify.
> The details below suggest that messages sent and received at the transport 
> level
> become scalars (digression: need to be clear what a message is when this is 
> over TCP) with a table with an entry per relay destination (per application?).
> Doubt one: we currently do not have any destination information in the table,
> only a receive address to bind to; will this be added?
The answer is yes.
You may refer to my earlier mail -

   (1) monitoring the relay activity.  We want to have
     - a list of the relays
     - for every relay
         o the priority(ies) of the message that will be relayed to
           this relay
         o the number of messages transmitted to this relay
     - etc.
> Doubt two; should we be - we should be! - providing a similar table for
> originators since they too can send to multiple destinations.
In the table for relay destinations- we have a destination-priority
pair. Application A1 will relay Priority P1 to destination D1 etc.
I am not clear about what exactly you want in a similar table for
originators. Could you explain that?
> Doubt three; should we have a table for different origins, else balancing
> counters will be difficult?  If a collector receives 30 messages when the
> various relay and originator not relayed counters add up to 25, how do you 
> know
> which stream has gone missing?  or do you parse the message and expect there 
> to
> be helpful data in the SDE?

If we ignore the errors we basically have three counters
      syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted, ( this include relayed messages)

I am not clear what is meant by "various relay and originator not
relayed counters".
If it means syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted, there is no problem at all
      syslogOperationsMsgsReceived    = 30 and,
      syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted = 25
If it does not mean syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted then please tell me
what it means.

      Honestly, I do not see anyway in which the three counters can be
balanced. [Why do we need to balance these ?]

There will be an additional set of destination-wise counters for relayed
                                    [ messages transmitted to a  relay]

As far as I can tell there is only one generic equation
     SUM (syslogOperationsMsgTransmittedToRelay) =
There is just one more generic relationship
     syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted  >=    syslogOperationsMsgsRelayed

> This is all getting complicated and I am unclear about the benefits of going
> down this road.

I do not believe that it is complicated. It is as simple as that -
there are just two operations "receive" and "send". And "send" has two
sub-types- relay, non-relay. It cannot be complicated :-)
> Tom Petch

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Lonvick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "tom.petch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "David Harrington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Sam Hartman'"
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 7:22 PM
> Subject: Layer diagram & mib counters - was:Re: [Syslog] Comments on
> draft-ietf-syslog-protocol-20
>> Hi All,
>> What I'm seeing is that our effort to add granularity for mib accounting
>> has made the document less clear.  My apologies for that.
>> Does the following make more sense:
>>    +---------------------+    +---------------------+
>>    |  content            |    |  content            |
>>    |---------------------|    |---------------------|
>>    |  syslog application |    |  syslog application | (originator,
>>    |                     |    |                     |  collector, relay)
>>    |---------------------|    |---------------------|
>>    |  syslog transport   |    |  syslog transport   | (transport sender,
>>    |                     |    |                     | (transport receiver)
>>    +---------------------+    +---------------------+
>>              ^                          ^
>>              |                          |
>>               --------------------------
>> In this, the "content" will be developed by some application and handed to
>> syslogd (using *nix as an example device).  syslogd will format the
>> message adding in the PRI, timestamp, etc., and will hand it to the
>> transport.
>> - For udp transport, the "transport sender" will encapsulte it within udp
>>    and put it onto the wire.
>> - For the case of tls, the "transport sender" will establish a new, or use
>>    an existing session with the "transport receiver".
>> For discrepancies (if any) between the IP address of the "originator" and
>> the "transport sender", the originator can use the [origin ip=...] SDE
>> (Section 7.2).
>> If this makes sense, then the mib counters can be:
>> - the number of messages sent and received by the "syslog application"
>>    (syslogd)
>> - the number of messages sent and received by the "transport sender" and
>>    "transport receiver".
>> The tricky part here is that the counters of the "transport sender" and
>> "transport receiver" are not going to be useful to counting messages that
>> are relayed.  Only the counters of the "syslog application" are going to
>> be useful for that.  To deal with that, I'll propose that that a table be
>> set up to associate the messages sent to each relay destination.
>> As an example from syslog.conf:
>>                 kern.crit                    @loghost
>> The relay destinations will have to be enumerated.
>>     get "numOfRelayDests" would return "2"
>>     get "relayDest(1)" would return "loghost"
>>     get "relayDest(2)" would return ""
>> What is to be sent to those destinations would have to be quantified.
>>     get "priOfRelayDest(1)" would return "2" (from kern.crit as the filter)
>>     get "priOfRelayDest(2)" would return "6" (or "")
>> When the device receives a "<2>..." syslog message (PRI=2, kern.crit), it
>> will relay it to the two relay destinations.
>> Then
>>     syslogOperationsMsgsReceived will be incremented by 1
>>     syslogOperationsMsgsRelayed(0) will be incremented by 2
>>        (the message went to two destinations)
>>     syslogOperationsMsgsRelayed(1) will be incremented by 1
>>        (it sent one copy to "relayDest(1)" which is loghost)
>>     syslogOperationsMsgsRelayed(2) will be incremented by 1
>>        (it sent another to ""relayDest(2)")
>>     syslogOperationsMsgsTransmitted will be incremented by 2
>>        (it transmitted both)
>> Also, on loghost, syslogOperationsMsgsReceived will be incremented by 1
>> and on syslogOperationsMsgsReceived will also be
>> incremented by 1.
>> This gives an administrator a way to balance out messages sent and
>> received.
>> - If our device shows 3 messages relayed to loghost, and loghost shows 3
>>    messages received, then we have a balance, even if MsgsTransmitted from
>>    our device is 482.
>> - If our device shows 3 messages relayed but loghost shows 2 messages
>>    received, then we might have a discard on our device, or the message may
>>    have been dropped by some intermediary.
>> - If our device shows 3 messages relayed but loghost shows 46 receieved
>>    then we likely have another device sending messages to loghost.
>> To be clear on this, the counters for "transport sender" and "transport
>> receiver" will NOT be associated with a peer - they will just count the
>> number of messages sent and received.  It will be up to the counters
>> associated with the "syslog application" to associate the messages with
>> peers so that the count of messages relayed will have some meaning.
>> Does this make sense?  As David said, we're not doing our job unless we're
>> clear on the concepts, terminology and have a way to manage the devices.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> On Fri, 18 May 2007, tom.petch wrote:
>>> Not sure where this draft is heading, but as a WG member, comments <inline>
>>> Tom Petch
>> ---remainder elided for brevity---
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