On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:44:46PM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> ]] Tomasz Torcz 
> Hi,
> | “       SIGUSR2
> |            When this signal is received the systemd manager will log its 
> complete 
> |            state in human readable form. The data logged is the same as 
> printed by systemctl dump.
> | ”
> This is useful.  It'd be even more useful if I could just hit a key
> combination and make it happen.  Do you know if I can?

  There kbrequest.target which is started when systemd receives SIGWINCH or
you press Alt+↑ on console.  I suppose you could drop and enable following

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl list-jobs


  and “systemctl enable …” it.  Now pressing alt-up during boot should show
you what jobs systemd is waiting for.  Likewise, you can change ExecStart= to
“/bin/kill -USR2 1” (or “/bin/systemctl dump”) to have full dump.  But
full dump is probably less useful.

Tomasz Torcz              ,,If you try to upissue this patchset I shall be 
xmpp: zdzich...@chrome.pl   an IP-routable hand grenade.'' -- Andrew Morton 

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