Am 05.10.2011 14:05, schrieb Michal Schmidt:
> On 10/04/2011 02:22 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> would it be possible to backport "PathExistsGlob" for F15
> Possible, yes. The bug is not relevant for F15 though, because cups is a 
> SysV/LSB service there.

yes and that is why i hate the F15 release in the form it was released
mixing systemd/sysv/lsb all over the system

>> this means we can not make a backport-rebuild for F15 without
>> reverting this patch currently :-(
> Curious. What's the reason for backporting cups?

get F15 to a state what i expected for the release

> Backporting of packages sometimes requires more effort than a simple rebuild. 
> That should not be surprising.
> That said, if you prepare a cleanly applicable and tested patch against the 
> systemd package in F15 to add the
> feature you need, I can apply it

i am not able to make a patch for systemd, thats the reason for my question
if it would be possible to add this feature in teh F15 version

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